Example sentences of "[vb past] with her [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the early Fifties she decided to branch out on her own ; she moved west and drove with her two children across America to Los Angeles , where she became a secretary in an aircraft factory and later a fashion buyer at J.C .
2 Home was Croydon , where she lived with her divorced mother in a council flat , supported by social security , supplemented occasionally by haphazard maintenance payments from her father , who was in the Merchant Navy and had not been seen since Val was five .
3 The girl lived with her divorced mother in London .
4 Clara , the girl Herbert was in love with , lived with her old father in a house on the river , quite near the open sea , and Herbert had arranged to rent rooms for Magwitch in this house .
5 At 18 she gave up competing to teach , setting up a class in South Shields which she amalgamated with her old school in Jarrow when her own teacher retired .
6 FEARS mounted last night for a young mum who vanished with her estranged husband after a row .
7 She returned with her new boyfriend on 17 March and effectively snatched the little boy , leaving the three little girls behind with their father .
8 There were so many among her High School and Neighbours friends who were amazed at the way the shy , fragile , far from self-confident Kylie coped with her instant elevation to international celebrity .
9 Lydia felt with her left hand for the keyhole , while with her right she attempted to insert the key , and then stood still .
10 His marriage to Beatrice of Aragon gave new impetus to the collection , for she brought with her humanist scholars from Italy .
11 Alarmed , she fumbled with her right hand for her blanket , breathing erratically , staring up at him as he loomed over her .
12 " Mr. Preston would like to see Miss Simpson as soon as she arrives , " Mrs. Mott said with her usual air of an ambassador at the Court of St. James delivering a grave communique " from his Head of State .
13 Royal Opera House , WC2 ( 240 1066 ) Royal Ballet Mixed Bill : Rubies , Other Dances ( Sylvie Guillem happy and relaxed with her old partner from Paris Laurent Hilaire ) , Ashley Page 's new Piano ( opened to mixed reviews .
14 Someone who annoyed with her need for sympathy , who irritated with her shameless display of pathos .
15 Paying off the driver , she rang the bell and stood with her small amount of luggage at her feet , quite unaware of how totally lost and alone she seemed .
16 Mary sat with her little dog in her hands and watched it , all day long .
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