Example sentences of "[vb past] that he [was/were] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He maintained that he was thinking about gold and the strange fascination this metal still exerts upon otherwise rational men grappling with the intricacies of international exchange rates .
2 At a meeting last summer , he mentioned that he was suffering from a sudden bout of back pain and had just visited an acupuncturist .
3 Opening heavy lids , she found that he was staring at her with burning eyes , yet she was aware that he 'd imposed on himself an icy control .
4 Attlee finally discovered that he was a figure of importance in British politics when he went to Potsdam with Churchill in July , and found that he was greeted with more warmth by the British forces in Berlin than Churchill himself .
5 ‘ That dog 's half mad , ’ Tom said to Willie but found that he was talking to the air for Willie was several yards behind , still trying to keep up , his cheeks flushed with the effort .
6 Back at the village post office he 'd sorted out the usual junk mail which never made it past the door of the shop and found that he was left with one real , honest-to-God letter .
7 Late in 1915 , in a letter to Woodward , Dawson reported that he was ailing from an ‘ anaemic condition ’ , which did not improve .
8 CW reported that he was working with Bob Crossman on planning matters affecting the Library .
9 Masklin realized that he was standing at one of those points where History takes a deep breath and decides what to do next .
10 Kirov realized that he was going to be pestered by the man until he made some sort of complimentary comment .
11 Roland 's stag night was planned the same Saturday but after a week the best man realized that he was going to be skiing then ! oops .
12 Cowslip himself was at the other end of the hall and Hazel realized that he was waiting for him to reply .
13 He tried to rub it , and then realised that he was handcuffed to the Police Constable sitting next to him .
14 Fran blushed crimson as she realised that he was staring at her , one corner of his mouth lifted mockingly as though he could read her thoughts .
15 Julio Strassera , who had been the chief prosecutor at the original " dirty war " trials in 1985 , announced that he was resigning in protest as Argentina 's representative to the UN Human Rights Commission .
16 Filshin claimed that he had been set up , and announced that he was resigning in protest at an " anti-democratic campaign " being waged by the KGB and " central Soviet structures " to discredit the Russian Federation government .
17 Hall had arrived at Dalston police station about twenty minutes ago and announced that he was acting for Scott .
18 He announced that he was going to the Blighted Isle .
19 Instead , he announced that he was going to the United Nations in New York to appeal for peace , and that in accordance with the Council 's wishes he would establish the long-awaited synod of bishops .
20 Christina gave up and was relieved when he announced that he was going to bed .
21 William Barr obliged and , on Oct. 10 , the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation ( FBI ) , William Sessions , announced that he was embarking on an inquiry into possible misconduct at the Justice Department ( of which the FBI was institutionally a part ) with regard to the handling of CIA reports .
22 Immediately after the election Lafontaine announced that he was returning to his post as Saarland Minister President , and would not take on the SPD party or parliamentary group leadership .
23 In an interview with France ( Inter ) radio on Oct. 11 Aoun admitted that he was surrounded on all sides , but claimed to be ready for " the last battle " .
24 Mr Gummer argued that he was justified in not registering the work as the show did not benefit him financially .
25 " CAO expressed disappointment that we did not seem to agree with him on this point , but added that he was faced with a grave administrative problem with hundreds of thousands of German PoWs on his hands and could not bother at this time about who might or who might not be handed over to the Russians or Partisans to be shot . "
26 CAO expressed disappointment that we did not seem to agree with him on this point but added that he was faced with a grave administrative problem with hundreds of thousands of German PoWs on his hands and could not bother at this time about who might or might not be turned over to the Russians and Partisans to be shot .
27 Mr Ridley added that he was talking in the context of the national good .
28 At two o'clock he was called , and told that he was wanted on the telephone .
29 ‘ Riddle imagined that he was suffering from acromegaly — was he ? ’
30 Omar learnt that he was related to the Sultan , and we hoped that we might persuade him to provide us with a guide to Aussa .
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