Example sentences of "[vb past] that [pron] could [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Karrimor 's project development engineer demonstrated that he could do shoulder high kicks just as easily wearing with its 20kg load as without .
2 Gedge conceded the point in a humorous letter to Dave Fielding , admitted that he could lay claim to a proportion of the royalties accrued by the song .
3 Although Almond and Verba found few people in their survey who actually sought to exert such influence , the proportion who believed that they could exert influence was significant .
4 ‘ The ancients believed that they could create immortality , ’ said the shapechanger .
5 We recognised that we could export technology and managerial skills internationally …
6 He learnt that he could make love and come both in haste and with impressive slowness , for five minutes or for three hours , without asking either for more or for less time from his partner but fitting in with their timing .
7 Tiny varying voltages were applied to the plates and the platypus 's reactions showed that it could detect field strengths as low as a 500 millionth of a volt ( 0.05 microvolts ) per centimetre .
8 I was so green I did n't know what was behind it and boasted that I could become Judge 's Baby when I got back to the dressing-room .
9 Once she moved out , Pattie discovered that she could take care of herself and the baby and the sense of freedom was fantastic .
10 I decided that I could find space for a few really large trees and decided to stock fence in front of the spinney and put in an oak and two beech and three ash well away from the fence .
11 What he most liked , so he explained , was the feeling that from that proximate stretch , you felt that you could set sail , if the impulse took you , to any part of the world .
12 I knew that I could put life into a body that was not alive .
13 He said the Wales Tourist Board 's record after the Towyn floods proved that they could offer material help .
14 And actually , one day , because she knew it was my favourite , she said that I could have permission to have it copied and gave me the name of the jeweller , which I thought was so sweet .
15 Foot said that he could cut unemployment to under one million in five years by public spending , tax reduction and devaluation .
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