Example sentences of "[vb past] that [pron] was [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Pangs of conscience , and ache of loneliness apart , I found that I was stimulated by the challenge of finding my way about this great and beautiful city , and by having to communicate — to try to speak French quickly enough to make actual conversation possible .
2 Attlee finally discovered that he was a figure of importance in British politics when he went to Potsdam with Churchill in July , and found that he was greeted with more warmth by the British forces in Berlin than Churchill himself .
3 Back at the village post office he 'd sorted out the usual junk mail which never made it past the door of the shop and found that he was left with one real , honest-to-God letter .
4 Trying to get out of the traffic jam , I took a short cut down a back lane but found that it was blocked by a large wedding tent helpfully erected across the full width of the road .
5 … we attended at the School on Monday the 17th [ July , 1833 ] and found that it was divided into six classes , the first being composed of three boys only whose study was the Classics , the second of about 20 who were instructed in the Latin Grammar , and the remaining four classes were composed of boys whose education was confined to Reading , Writing , Arithmetic , and English Grammar , in which instruction the boys in the two senior classes also participated . "
6 They found that it was used in 40 per cent of development projects but only 16 per cent of research projects , and then mainly in large , complex projects costing over $500 000 .
7 They found that it was used in 40 per cent of development projects but only 16 per cent of research projects , and then mainly in large , complex projects costing over $500 000 .
8 Two days later the master reported that she was taken before the magistrates , and was sentenced to three days in the House of Correction .
9 As soon as he looked out of the window on the morning after he arrived ( he tells them ) and saw what the place was like , he realized that it was based on the tutorial system .
10 For much of the eighteenth century , the old belief endured that everything was organized into a great chain of being , linking minerals , plants , animals and men ( and perhaps angels ) .
11 He tried to rub it , and then realised that he was handcuffed to the Police Constable sitting next to him .
12 He uttered a short sharp bark , which made Rosie jump ; she assumed it was a cough , then realised that it was intended as an expression of amusement .
13 It became obvious to everyone that the Tournament could not continue and after another undue delay , the Earl of Eglinton announced that it was cancelled for the day .
14 In an interview with France ( Inter ) radio on Oct. 11 Aoun admitted that he was surrounded on all sides , but claimed to be ready for " the last battle " .
15 Detectives in Colchester expressed concern for Lisa 's safety following her disappearance and revealed that she was known to be upset over personal problems .
16 One feminist , Mrs Wolstenholme-Elmy ( who as a young woman determined to follow Mary Wollstonecraft 's example and live with her lover , until on becoming pregnant she took the advice of fellow suffragists and married ) accepted the idea that menstruation was essentially pathological , although she also argued that it was caused by men 's brutality .
17 Mr Gummer argued that he was justified in not registering the work as the show did not benefit him financially .
18 There was a time when we naively believed that it was caused by Immune Overload — too many stimulants and not enough rest and nutrition .
19 " CAO expressed disappointment that we did not seem to agree with him on this point , but added that he was faced with a grave administrative problem with hundreds of thousands of German PoWs on his hands and could not bother at this time about who might or who might not be handed over to the Russians or Partisans to be shot . "
20 CAO expressed disappointment that we did not seem to agree with him on this point but added that he was faced with a grave administrative problem with hundreds of thousands of German PoWs on his hands and could not bother at this time about who might or might not be turned over to the Russians and Partisans to be shot .
21 At two o'clock he was called , and told that he was wanted on the telephone .
22 Mrs Crump expressed her gratitude with the eloquence of total silence but with a little look which , as Hope noted and saw that it was noted , signalled that she was pierced to the heart .
23 Soon after , a message came that I was wanted in the cabin .
24 Omar learnt that he was related to the Sultan , and we hoped that we might persuade him to provide us with a guide to Aussa .
25 It happened that she was propped on her elbow and could see that he had his fingers crossed .
26 On 11 September the German Standortkommandantur , which had been set up in the Piazza Garibaldi to administer the city of Parma , issued a series of orders , one of which stated that it was forbidden for civilians to have guns and that looting would be punishable by death .
27 ‘ Mr Mallon stated that I was embarked on sweeping the RUC very clean and inferred for that reason that some senior people within the force did not wish that approach to continue .
28 of USA stated that he was licensed in embalming in Ohio , and this had required two years in an academic college and one year 's mortuary service .
29 But she confirmed that he was expected to be at the match .
30 The 23-year-old Glaswegian acknowledged that he was beaten by another big server .
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