Example sentences of "[vb past] that [adj] [noun pl] would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We quickly found that few places would let us play so we started looking round for alternatives .
2 All parties agreed that UNTAC-supervised elections would take place , but there was strong disagreement between the SOC and the Khmers Rouges over the actual electoral system to be adopted .
3 Regarding developments on the Pentium chip front , Dr Grove said he expected that Pentium-based machines would become as ubiquitous as the 80486 machines , and that the chip would be offered not only in servers but in desktop machines .
4 In what observers saw as a trade-off , Yeltsin announced that legislative bodies would serve the remaining 2@1/2 years of their full term ( having been elected in March 1990 ) and that more than 80 directly appointed heads of administration responsible to the President would continue in office ( a moratorium on local elections was due to be lifted on Dec. 1 ) .
5 On Aug. 24 the NEC announced that fresh elections would take place in three rounds between Sept. 12 and Sept. 26 , when voting would only be permitted on production of membership cards which would be issued to party members in the interim .
6 Earlier this year , I announced that local authorities would receive aggregate external finance of £5.13 billion .
7 The Majority , whilst also favouring discipline for the poor , argued that voluntary workers would respond more flexibly to need than those limited by state regulations .
8 Major appealed to him to withdraw the threat to break off talks with the South African government [ see above ] , but at a press conference Mandela reiterated that such negotiations would cease on May 9 unless de Klerk acted to halt township violence .
9 Several of the earliest proponents of intelligence testing assumed that such tests would show substantial differences in intelligence between races .
10 This theory was elaborated at length by Marx for capitalism but he also assumed that similar phenomena would occur in non-capitalist systems .
11 They signed a declaration which ( i ) stated that the CIS was open to all former Soviet states and any other countries which shared its objectives ; ( ii ) stated that strategic forces would remain under unified control ; ( iii ) confirmed co-operation on a single economic space ; and ( iv ) stated that member states of the CIS undertook to honour the international obligations of the former Soviet Union .
12 Quezada Toruño stated that both sides would meet again " at the earliest possible date " .
13 Despite the plans to introduce a multiparty system , government sources confirmed that new parties would remain banned until further notice .
14 Surely someone moving toward the light ought to measure it traveling at a higher speed than someone moving in the same direction as the light ; yet the experiment showed that both observers would measure exactly the same speed .
15 Clare thought of telling her what it would have meant to her as a young girl to have a nicely furnished room to herself — what it would mean to her now for that matter — but sensed that such remarks would serve no useful purpose .
16 It followed that further improvements would result in even higher earnings .
17 The constitution guaranteed that church-state relations would remain difficult and that this in turn would imperil Spain 's democratic experiment .
18 Proprietors and employees of transport companies protested that such payments would ruin most lorry and bus drivers , whose monthly earnings averaged the equivalent of $50-$100 .
19 Liberal Club supporters protested that these moves would call into question the mandate of elected Civic Forum parliamentary deputies , and would thereby provoke a constitutional crisis .
20 Yesterday , the NFU warned that 1990 figures would reveal a fresh 10 per cent .
21 Sugden warned that independent bodies would become toothless if they were constantly overruled by the government .
22 Unofficial figures published by the Lima opinion research organization Apoyo recorded that 44 seats would go to the election coalition of Fujimori 's Cambio 90 ( Change 90 ) party and New Majority , a group of independents including former Cabinet ministers .
23 The superimposition of massive conventional forces on what should have been an atomic strategy , made no sense to Churchill , who appreciated that financial pressures would reduce rather than increase the number of divisions that Britain could contribute to Western European defence .
24 Popular suffrage meant that rival factions would shout for their own candidate .
25 In addition to concern about rising oil prices due to the Gulf crisis , Blix said that fears of global warming caused by generating energy from fossil fuels such as coal , oil and gas meant that many countries would continue to rely on nuclear power .
26 That meant that social workers would collect the child from the foster parents and take her to a venue where the grandparents would be able to visit , said Mr Nott .
27 In practice this often meant that immature minds would take over Leavis 's own evaluations without relating them to their own experience of literature , resulting in the diffusion of callow or inept judgements that has been condemned from the right by C. S. Lewis and from the left by Catherine Belsey .
28 He believed that the surface of the earth changed gradually over long periods of time , and saw that such changes would have an effect not only upon the physical environment to which living things were exposed , but upon the possibility of migration to new locations .
29 In Chapter 10 we saw that existing oligopolists would have an incentive to advertise too much , not because advertising provides additional consumer information about the product , but because it raises the fixed cost of being in the industry , thereby making it harder for new firms to enter the industry .
30 The majority in the State Council feared that these proposals would set a damaging precedent and , with the consent of the Tsar , rejected the bill .
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