Example sentences of "[vb past] he [verb] an [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 they mentioned he had an excellent game — and from the goals showed the scot goalkeeper could have done much better on two of the italian goals … specially the first one — a flat shot from far out and at an angle too .
2 He sneaked a look at her , and found he had an excellent view of the back of her head ; she was staring out of the passenger window at the darkening vista of St James 's Park .
3 By their third single , he believed he held an important position in the group because Solowka and Gregory were often absent from concerts .
4 He told he had an important engagement and must go , on the Saturday night .
5 Too many puddings and mince pies had wreaked havoc with Santa 's waistline , and all those narrow chimneys to wriggle down on Christmas Eve meant he needed an instant solution .
6 She knew he had an early appointment with one of his lawyers and hoped that that was what was distancing him from her this morning .
7 How did he know an explosive device was being smuggled aboard ?
8 On the other had he constructed an entire model railway , ad again the result was most successful .
9 Had Handsome Henry tried to foreclose — or , seeing how pretty Mrs Yardley was , had he suggested an alternative form of payment ?
10 Never in all their years together had he lacked an ironed shirt or clean underwear .
11 In the garage Mr Carbert said he noticed an old rope hanging down from one of the beams .
12 You said he had an Irish manner .
13 A police officer said he suspected an enormous volume of explosives was stockpiled inside one of the buildings and that it exploded due to careless handling .
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