Example sentences of "[vb past] to [be] [vb pp] [prep] its " in BNC.

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1 Nor did it prevent the preservation of this category in the language of special education many years after its legal obliteration , in the acronym MLD ( moderate learning difficulties ) , used in many of the same contexts for many of the same purposes , but without , as yet , the abusive tone that came to be associated with its predecessor .
2 Then the land had to be cleared of its debris for the sowing and pasture , and the forests cleared of their tangle , and the journeys made , of necessity , to bring in new seed and new livestock .
3 One of them died soon afterwards ; and the other one — I saw it myself-was so bad and its head so swollen up with the stings that it had to be supported in its stable by a kind of sling fixed to the roof . ’
4 The wine was introduced into them by means of fine glass pipettes , though the champagne had to be robbed of its sparkle before it could be persuaded to enter !
5 It was not long before we decided that the question had to be turned on its head .
6 The first great series of races , and forerunner to Grands Prix , was the Gordon Bennett series , introduced in 1900 and it was a real test of a manufacturer 's skills , as the rules stipulated that all parts of each competing car had to be manufactured in its country of origin .
7 Religion had to be integrated with its surrounding society , not in a subservient position , but forming the vital heart of the culture .
8 Lord Wheatley said ( at p830A-B ) that although each case had to be decided on its own facts , there were four guidelines to assist in determining whether the valuer had the benefit of arbitral immunity .
9 Every case had to be determined on its own particular facts ’ .
10 Under League rules , the game had to be replayed in its entirety , and Tranmere lost , to suffer a mighty setback in their drive for promotion .
11 This agreement was renewed four times , the last in 1515 , but eventually the company had to be released from its responsibility on grounds of poverty .
12 Also , because of the slackening off of growth at ICL Technology in the second half , more attention than expected had to be devoted to its activities .
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