Example sentences of "[vb past] to [art] [noun] of [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The unemployment of the mid-1880s contributed to the difficulty of sustaining the policy — workhouses were not large enough to hold all of the unemployed in the hardest hit district and out-door relief had to be given by many Guardians , though normally only in return for a daily ‘ test ’ such as stone-breaking in the workhouse yard — the task most favoured by Guardians for the male unemployed .
2 Although the question of autonomy was a complex and confusing one , Hornby contributed to the process of keeping seriously on the agenda that part of the CNAA 's role which involved delegating responsibility within the limits currently imposed on the CNAA , and expanding those limits as it became possible .
3 In later years he rose to the position of shipping manager and had about four small steamers and a score of sailing barges to supervise .
4 I well remember , for example , friends numbered among Professor ( now Sir ) James Baddiley 's cohorts , all of them bent to the task of unscrambling the structures of different chunks of bacterial cell wall .
5 In Kong Cheuk Kwan v R , Lord Roskill referred to a risk of causing damage but on the facts that was a relevant risk because a collision between two hydrofoils did create such a risk .
6 In his maiden speech in parliament , Jones referred to the consequences of living in ‘ one of the poorest districts of East London , where the housing problem was of a very intense character ’ ( SE 15 March 19 ) .
7 In today 's introduction I referred to the importance of maintaining our metabolic rate .
8 Later in the same judgment , Scott LJ referred to the appropriateness of delaying arrest where ‘ there [ was ] no probability … of the suspected person running away ’ .
9 Probably he knew only that Jehana objected to the idea of marrying Artai , and had been told that her family wished to avoid giving offence by rejecting the suit , and so were willing to see her contracted without the preliminary of a courtship .
10 This added to the challenge of getting the literature ready on time
11 The hospital and all that went with it had been such an oasis in the alarming wilderness of doing everything for , and chiefly by , myself ; now it came to the point of leaving it , I was scared .
12 Peter was given the keys of the Kingdom when he came to the point of confessing Jesus as the ‘ Messiah , the Son of the living God ’ ( Matt.
13 I was n't completely heart-free during those years ; sometimes I allowed myself to be fooled that I loved someone , but when it came to the point of saying " yes " to anything final there was always the small honest inner voice which jeered " For life ?
14 Colonel David Stirling was so alarmed at what he believed was the dubious ability of the government to cope with a major strike affecting essential services that he turned to the possibility of forming a private force of military and other experts to assist the civil authorities .
15 In 1951 , the Employment Fellowship ( formerly the Winter Distress League ) turned to the problem of keeping elderly people employed for as long as possible ( Employment Fellowship 1958 ) .
16 Then , of course , she turned to the task of getting from Posi all available data about the planet Ardakke .
17 This suggests that many small farmers , unable to cultivate successfully , turned to the sale of renting of land .
18 In the end he capitulated to the extent of offering to hand over the sheets himself , but refused to say they were Zoe 's .
19 Then the eagerly awaited plum pudding arrived to the accompaniment of clapping and cheering , and a plume of blue smoke from the brandy flames was like the tail of Halley 's Comet .
20 A detective chief-inspector said that , when charged at Dungannon RUC station yesterday afternoon , Anderson replied to the charge of murdering Mr Davidson : ‘ I did not murder my father-in-law .
21 I knew that I wanted a free and independent life although I secretly subscribed to the idea of marrying a professional , sighted man .
22 Kitchen tables resounded to the sound of chopping herbs and eschalots by Emily .
23 Her touch was so persuasive he almost succumbed to the idea of entering her again , taking her anonymity as carte blanche and indulging in the darkness every last desire he could dredge up .
24 However , the margarine adverts having got to me , and the latest atherosclerosis story beginning to look as though it might be true , I succumbed to the temptation of having my lipids ( blood fats , including cholesterol ) done .
25 Anna returned to the task of removing the last , fibrous , old leeks of winter which would make , oh groan , yet more soup .
26 The content of the poem ought to be taken with several pinches of salt , partly because it belonged to the genre of boasting poem known as the gap which was a standard form of troubadour verse , and partly because William liked to mock himself as well as others .
27 Excessive editing of videotape was not to be encouraged in 1961 and so Newman worked to the formula of having live action done in the electronic studio , and the Visual Effects , plus other control critical sequences , done on film — a small , but important development in British science fiction programme making .
28 This led to a discussion of timetabling and the constraints imposed by group sizes , and how these constraints might be eased .
29 This led to an invasion of courting couples in his doorway , looking at the wonderments of the bright peep , and the Trongate being described as ‘ among the best-lit streets in Europe ’ .
30 At Windscale in 1957 a sudden temperature rise and ignition of the uranium fuel cartridges within an air-cooled graphite moderated reactor ( a type designed solely for the production of military plutonium ) led to the release of ionizing radiation from the reactor stack .
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