Example sentences of "[vb past] in [noun pl] [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The house stood remote , in the middle of nowhere , on the side of a river valley , embowered in trees of many kinds .
2 He mentions ‘ the odd brawl and punch-up ’ , for example , the fact that policemen only went in pairs in some districts , and that they patrolled the centre of the city in strength each weekend ‘ because prostitutes and drunks frequently started fights and a good time was had by all ’ .
3 In her head , Marie could see the people she knew in terms of those doors .
4 I looked in books for some recognition but , strange to say , I found none .
5 Rowntree 's investigators sketched in details of each household .
6 The reason people thought she was naked all through the film was because she displayed a different attitude to sex from the one that prevailed in films at that time .
7 Those denied an education remained in hospitals without any form of mental stimulation or simply stayed at home ; a few attended ‘ junior ’ training centres .
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