Example sentences of "[vb past] a number of [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Others of his early works are more conventionally neo-classical in manner , but he also designed a number of churches in the Gothic style , some of which — notably that in Rode Hill , Somerset ( 1822–4 ) — are highly , indeed bizarrely , individual , while his Devizes Castle , Wiltshire ( c .1840 ) is in a neo-Norman idiom .
2 From the early 1820s onwards he also designed a number of churches in a conventional Gothic style , but in some of his later works , such as his alterations to Broughton Hall , Yorkshire ( 1838–41 ) and Flasby Hall , Yorkshire ( 1840 ) he experimented with the picturesque Italianate manner .
3 The necessary changes involved a number of definitions in the Regulations being brought into line with those contained in the latest ( 6th Edition ) of Annex 13 .
4 NEW Employment Secretary David Hunt turned the spotlight on training yesterday when he visited a number of sites in Cheshire and Merseyside .
5 ( 1981 ) compared a number of plants in the engineering industry in Britain and West Germany .
6 A member of the research team interviewed a number of pupils in two classes who had tackled the questions .
7 We received a number of letters in response to Lisa Robillard 's letter on SEXISM .
8 Goran stayed two weeks at Elland Road a couple of years ago but did not make it — even though he scored a number of goals in his test matches .
9 Ritchie painted a number of scenes in the life of the ward :
10 Piaget identified a number of stages in the development of children 's reasoning powers .
11 Radclyffe Hall and Lady Troubridge , who shared a number of homes in London and in Rye , Sussex , travelled extensively and associated with many well-known artists and writers of their time , among them Colette , Romaine Brooks , and Natalie Clifford Barney .
12 He next went to Paris and was persuaded by Bernard de Jussieu to visit London , where he met Sir Hans Sloane and Philip Miller and made a number of drawings in the Physic Garden before proceeding to Holland in 1736 .
13 These " Whiggish Jacobites " , as they referred to themselves , produced a number of pamphlets in which they argued that William , through various acts of despotism , had broken the contract he had made with the nation in 1689 , and thus forfeited his right to obedience .
14 Neale 's thesis was challenged in 1982 by Norman Jones , who exposed a number of errors in his argument and demonstrated that the religious settlement which finally emerged in 1559 was the one that had been originally planned by the government .
15 We also observed a number of lessons in library skills , study skills , basic studies and IS which had been identified by staff as " to do with the library " , and the use made of the library at various times of the day ( including lunch-hours ) .
16 Dr Hugh Richardson , of St Andrews , an honorary graduate of the university , spent a number of years in Tibet in charge of the British mission at Lhasa , where he first met the Dalai Lama in 1939 .
17 He enjoyed a number of successes in respect of the new statutes for universities and for primary and secondary schools , but where the press was concerned he was unable to turn his liberal inclinations into workable edicts .
18 The LEA continued its generous block grant in support of the scheme and Plaskitt established a number of centres in the villages in south Bedfordshire .
19 Marsh examined a number of whiskers in the electron microscope and found that , for the substances he was using , the root radii of the growth-steps was roughly constant at about 40 Ångströms .
20 It is from the third movement of the ‘ Lützow ’ Piano Concerto , k242 , and shows accentual emphasis put into sharp focus in a pattern of clear stroke over the first , dots over the following quavers — a pattern repeated a number of times in exactly the same manner .
21 An example is one of the strip buildings at Sea Mills , which contained a number of ovens in the front room .
22 The UK government expelled a number of Iranians in relation to their alleged involvement in anti-Rushdie activities in the UK .
23 Statements about infrastructural developments highlighted a number of weaknesses in existing provision , including the poor geographical location of the library building , the problem of split-site provision , the difficulties involved in freeing the library from timetabling for subject lessons , and the poor decoration and furnishing of the rooms themselves .
24 At the end of this month he travelled to Sweden on a tour organized by the British Council ; it lasted five weeks , and he gave a number of readings in Stockholm , Upsala , Lund and elsewhere .
25 Sold as a two-year-old at the Doncaster Sales to race in Spain , he won a number of races in that country — where he had seven trainers — before making his mark internationally when winning the Prix du Cadran in France as a four-year-old .
26 In addition , Reagan introduced a number of economies in line with his pledge at his inauguration ‘ to squeeze and cut and trim until we reduce the cost of government ’ .
27 The Congress immediately introduced a number of measures in line with election pledges of the new coalition government of President Patricio Aylwin Azócar [ see p. 37117 ] .
28 ARMED police yesterday searched a number of houses in Dundee after a shooting in which two men were slightly injured .
29 Fourth cousins by marriage , the girls had been aware of each other for much longer and had a number of friends in common .
30 A focus upon changing aspects of a rapidly developing local community embracing social , technological and ecological perspectives had a number of advantages in the eyes of the library committee : ( 1 ) they wanted to begin something that was ongoing and to which resources could be added ;
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