Example sentences of "[vb past] a [noun] [coord] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 When Pina saw Modigliani he drew a revolver and pointed it at him .
2 The customs officers were very understanding and found a mirror and propped it up on the customs bench for her .
3 She found a nurse and sent her for it , and then held the cup and dabbed his lips with a swab dipped in the water .
4 Eventually , I found a rope and threw it to my pal and they made it fast .
5 John found a torch and shone it at the engine cowling .
6 He found a chair and pulled it beside the sofa .
7 Then Diane found a switch and threw it , and a weak pool of illumination washed down a white screen on the back wall .
8 Despite having one wing afire and disintegrating , he managed to get his crew away but only after his flight engineer , FS Colgan , found a parachute and attached it , and had gone to the aid of the wounded tail gunner .
9 He was thrown out of Chicago and fled to New York where he built a palace and filled it with Old Masters .
10 Paraphrasing Tacitus and Byron , the Visitors ' Centre has the last word on Bloody Cumberland : ‘ he created a desert and called it peace . ’
11 No , not some fanatical carp angler frightened of someone looking in his bait box , but carp that mouthed a bait and spat it out before the angler could strike — if he 'd seen the bite , that is .
12 He reached Haslemere in early afternoon , hired a taxi and discharged it fifteen minutes later on the other side of the road from the Skein of Geese Hotel and Restaurant a few miles south-east of the town .
13 The Victorian doll filled a teapot and covered it with an egg cosy .
14 When the brandy arrived , he filled a glass and tossed it off , in a gesture of childish defiance .
15 The spies were about and a Dominican in some way unknown secured a copy and sent it to the Inquisition at Rome .
16 Once upon a time ( I said , and he stared bitterly bitterly at the floor ) there was a very ugly monster who captured a princess and put her in a dungeon in his castle .
17 Yeah I 'm like that but we had a erm conifer type tree it was only so big but and then I and when we we was unloading off the van , this come off and I dug a hole and stuck it in the garden , in the front garden just by the pathways right that 's that but I was washing the car one day , a nice hot day got my shirt off when I come in course I 'd brushed past it I 'd got patterns of the leaves on my on my back .
18 The third servant made no attempt to use the gold but dug a hole and kept it safe for his master 's return .
19 She remembered how , side by side , they had hacked and burned the underbrush , borrowed a plough and pulled it themselves , working feverishly to get a little harvest to last them through the first arctic-cold winter .
20 He poured a drink and pushed it towards her .
21 He poured a brandy and handed it to Craig before helping himself to a good measure .
22 They turned through lanes , and joined a motorway and left it .
23 She opened a gate and held it for Meredith .
24 Suddenly , all the lights came on in the hospital and they eventually opened a side-door and let her in .
25 After she was found dead and there were so-many questions and Mena told so much , she said to Constanza — oh , I can give you the very words , I shall never forget them — Mena said , ‘ One day many many years ago , when the old principessa was still alive , she opened a door and saw them , the prince and the Marchesa Giulia , in the long room at Castelfonte . ’
26 Mr Hunter unlocked a door and opened it , switching the room light on .
27 He made a fist and shot it in the air by her cheek .
28 ‘ We made a noise and ignored them .
29 Winnie made a face but drank it down .
30 The young man gingerly lifted the rim to his nose , took one sniff , made a face and handed it back .
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