Example sentences of "[vb past] and [vb past] [coord] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I feel I have unfinished business with you said Jay , amazed that she could use such an adult phrase , when alone , her mouth sagged and stretched and gasped with momma , momma , the pain shrieked from her navel , she even sucked her thumb in the hope that do-it-yourself primal therapy would ease something .
2 I could , I used to run it down and er , and that 's the only reason me mother would let me , but they was pleased as punch when I stopped and went and worked for me dad again .
3 She confirmed to McIllvanney that the weather-fax machine and the Loran and the Satnav and the radar and all the other things that hummed and winked and glowed in the night were working properly .
4 Two flannels , draped across this , were mermaids , who swam and flopped and basked on islands of flesh .
5 So while Maria Candida retched and wailed and dabbed at her nose in the cabin , Sara spent most of her time up on deck , either with Dom Alfonso , who was acting as Dom João 's agent , or — on the calmer days — further for 'd , where she could watch the porpoises leaping round the bows and listen to the creak of timber and the wind in the rigging .
6 Jamila never closed the door , so Changez and I drank and looked through at our Jamila 's concentrating-so-hard profile , head bowed , as she read and sang and wrote in old school exercise books .
7 There I snored and whinnied and gnashed for nearly three hours , awaking refreshed and raring to go at a little after one .
8 They were good friends — he often danced and sang and talked with her .
9 Who begged and argued and fought for them until they were free to go ? ’
10 Whilst they rested and fed and waited for the skies to clear , we could enjoy their presence .
11 I shook and panicked and wept for the fist time since he 'd been born .
12 One of Jay 's drawled phrases , as she pubbed and clubbed and waded through hung-over mornings of coffee and endless cigarettes , was ‘ I 'm a night-owl , honey . ’
13 But he ranted and raged and rampaged through the local cemetery .
14 As you say , plain boards lettered and varnished and exposed to the elements soon lose their fresh effect .
15 They whizzed and flew and darted into murky comers .
16 George Orwell in The road to Wigan pier ( 1937 ) : Another influential observer was J.B. Priestley ; his English journey ( 1934 ) , ‘ being a rambling but truthful account of what one man saw and heard and felt and thought during a journey through England during the Autumn of the year 1933 ’ , evoked another angry response to his urban world .
17 Her mother talked and instructed and bustled until the minute she left the house .
18 He stumbled and droned and scribbled in his book like someone half asleep , but Miss Thorne knew that as soon as he had got rid of the book and started working on the character of Scrooge he would be very different .
19 Some how it clipped and swerved and went through the hedge and smashed up .
20 From the first moments , when my brothers and I stood there incredulous as Blyth screamed and jumped and tugged at his leg , to the tearful farewell of Blyth 's parents and Diggs taking statements ( a bit even appeared in the Inverness Courier which was picked up for its curiosity value by a couple of the Fleet Street rags ) , not one person even suggested that it might have been anything other than a tragic and slightly macabre accident .
21 Cameron slept instantly , and woke and dreamed and woke and dreamed for hours — the river , the cold shock of the water between his legs , the glimmer of light on the far shore , the current filling his mouth , he swam against it , it helped him , he struck out as smoothly as a seal , skimming effortlessly , he could power onwards forever , the water buoying him , his hand stroking it easily backwards without a splash …
22 Blue light , and silver and bronze , streamed and bounced and danced through tall windows .
23 They laughed and cried and called for more .
24 Bridget listened and nodded and thought to herself ‘ the silly bitch is jarred ’ and took no notice .
25 They sang and stamped and danced on the earth and shook the petals in their hair and beards to make the warriors laugh at their travesty and forget the nearness of the dead .
26 How they talked and sang and wrote and thought about it , as though union with another were the entire purpose of existence .
27 I will love him , Lily , like this , ’ and Pen gave her a strangling hug so that she gasped and laughed and begged to be released .
28 In London the kids looked fabulous ; they dressed and walked and talked like little gods .
29 I says I sure of that and er I left and went and got into a row over it .
30 It dipped and dipped and flew under the bridge to feed its brood .
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