Example sentences of "[vb past] and [verb] up the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He bent and scooped up the bike , wheeling it along with them , and Jenna became aware of other eyes besides the dark ones that had looked into her own .
2 He bent and scooped up the tin with the barrel of the revolver , and held it high .
3 His face was very close to hers as he bent and picked up the airline ticket from her desk .
4 ’ I 'll be needin' mair shag and all , ’ he bent and picked up the clay stump and peered into the empty bowl sadly .
5 He bent and picked up the bag , then eyed her curiously .
6 Outside , lightning flickered and lit up the glass reception doors .
7 He stopped , looked down , then stooped and picked up the letter .
8 She stooped and picked up the post .
9 It had made the Marchese a small fortune when he sold it to the deputy of the English connoisseur in Naples who was going to ship it away in boxes ; it was being stripped from the walls when the Government heard of it and came and sealed up the villa again , but not before one of the intermediaries had sliced enough off the top of the deal to pay his passage to America , promising to send after him for his family .
10 She saw the dawn when it came and pulled up the blind .
11 Jesus had been , with his disciples and he had spent the whole day in teaching and preaching to the people , he 'd been explaining to them what the kingdom of God was like , he 'd been telling them some of the parables that perhaps we 're familiar with , he 'd been telling them about the parable of the sewer and the seed , the man who went out and he sewed his seed and different things went wrong birds came and picked up the stuff that fell by the wayside , some fell on stony ground and it could n't put down any roots , some fell amongst thorns and they were quickly choked , but some did fall in good prepared soil and that grew .
12 Apparently they either found me dad down the cellar or he recovered and come up the cellar like , you know .
13 But for the British infantryman , overburdened and attacking up the slope , speed was the one thing of which he was incapable .
14 They stopped near us , then turned and went up the ladder again .
15 They turned and went up the flight of stairs , a frieze of well-behaved actors .
16 He just stood looking down at her for a moment , his eyes still pleading , and then abruptly he turned and picked up the tray and carried it into the kitchen for her .
17 Willie Moe snorted and picked up the boy by the leg and started to whirl him as if winding him up , which was part of a new routine called ‘ The Living Propeller ’ .
18 Preston sighed and picked up the news section .
19 Fred merely nodded and picked up the paper , pretending to be engrossed in an article , and Carrie afforded herself a sly grin .
20 The journey to Calcutta took some hours , and when we arrived the Army met us and wanted to put us all in to some barracks , but I protested and rang up the Bishop , Foss Westcott , and asked if he could advise me what to do as Margaret by this time was very ill .
21 She got to her feet and went and picked up the phone .
22 He chuckled and picked up the phone .
23 The box with the question mark — ? — operates only with boxes 3 or 4 highlighted and calls up the technique numbers or cast on numbers as lists .
24 He stretched and picked up the phone , but before he could dial he realised he had cut in on a conversation .
25 He braked and grabbed up the shotgun as he laid the bike over , sliding into the shelter of the woodpile .
26 He said cos I used to keep the house tidy he said I 've been the in the army June an he said I can I can run a household he said but we and then working the shifts I do he said and go up the horses and that he said I just do n't get time to do it !
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