Example sentences of "[vb past] the [noun sg] back [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Maidstone handed the photo back and turned to lean over the balustrade again .
2 Then of course the girl said what she 'd done and they fetched the skull back and had no trouble after …
3 I walked over , tipped the head back and bit back my scream .
4 Athelstan pulled the curtain back and wrinkled his nose at the smell .
5 He pulled the car back but lost control .
6 I spluttered , stepping back , dripping , while Helen took the can back and stood grinning .
7 She took the photograph back and sighed as she stared at it .
8 She scraped the earth back and saw something very dark blue — china or glass , buried there .
9 When Adam did n't respond , he scraped the chair back and stood up .
10 He gave the despatch back and wiped his fingers on his thighs .
11 He put the sack back and strewed some dead leaves over it .
12 He put the directory back and tried the agency again , but it was still engaged .
13 She put the magazine back and followed him out of the shop .
14 He put the skull back and looked at Carrie .
15 Adam put the book back and stepped away from the counter as the fat receptionist came out in to reception .
16 They waited as she answered it , then , after a few words , she put the instrument back and grinned triumphantly .
17 Caretaker put the receiver back and turned to the door .
18 He put the receiver back and created , forcing his lips to perform , a wide smile .
19 Karr slipped the card back and took out something else — a flat , matt black case — and handed that to her .
20 It pushed the night back and made a warm , yellow circle to sit in .
21 I said , and I pushed the instrument back and paid for the rest .
22 He pushed the plate back and squinted up at her .
23 When the lift stopped she yanked the gate back and stepped out like someone in a hurry .
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