Example sentences of "[vb past] to have [been] [vb pp] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On the same day , the Transport Department announced plans to widen the M25 around London , believed to have been opposed by Gummer in Cabinet .
2 So far no attention had been drawn to any conflict between this proposal , which 5 Corps believed to have been authorised by AFHQ 's order of 14 May [ and in harmony with the policy of wrongly surrendered formations being handed back to Tito ] , and the consistent policy of AFHQ in every other respect that such categories of dissident Yugoslavs should not be handed back to Tito .
3 At least two whales believed to have been affected by sonar have been washed up dead on the beach at Abu Dhabi .
4 Ten firemen are in a special isolation ward with ‘ glowing fingertips ’ , nausea and diarrhoea believed to have been caused by chemicals .
5 They have also suffered disease believed to have been exacerbated by water pollution .
6 A ceramic footballer ( lot 107 , est. £8,000–12,000 ) , believed to have been coloured by Picasso 's own hand , fetched £24,000 ( $41,100 ) .
7 The decision followed reports that up to 250,000 hectares ( 2,500 sq km ) of subtropical forest in Mexico 's Yucatán peninsula had been destroyed by a series of fires believed to have been started by farmers and ranchers seeking to extend their land holdings .
8 In early April 1990 , acting on information believed to have been provided by Mannoia , police in Sicily arrested Giuseppe Lucchese , alleged to have killed , among others , Gen. Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa in 1982 [ see pp. 32755-56 ] .
9 ‘ What dramatic merit the play had ’ , Warnie noted afterwards , ‘ seemed to have been supplied by Coghill and not by Shakespeare . ’
10 Their path of advance — from Christian to Muslim sectors — seemed to have been ordained by history .
11 The Christian view of life , death and afterlife as a continuum not only supplied a happy ending to the human story , but could also ‘ justify God 's ways to man ’ , in so far as the good man would be rewarded for a well-spent life , even if it seemed to have been dogged by misfortune .
12 There therefore grew up a tendency to ignore the whys and wherefores and to regard the tensile and other strengths as innate properties with which the material happened to have been endowed by Providence in a rather arbitrary way .
13 It relied both on the circumstances of the shooting and on a confession alleged to have been made by telephone by the defendant to Paulette 's husband , Jimmy Zaidie ( ‘ Zaidie ’ ) immediately after the shooting , and also on threats previously made by the defendant to kill Paulette , as alleged by the prosecution and as testified to in evidence by Zaidie and by Daphne Matadial ( ‘ Matadial ’ ) , Paulette 's sister .
14 By paragraph 33 of the order it was provided that no such disclosure should be used as evidence in the prosecution of an offence alleged to have been committed by Mr. and Mrs. Tully .
15 On this occasion , however , his calm appeared to have been ruffled by Dr Dunstaple 's words and he replied with a note of impatience in his voice : " If any evidence were needed it would be enough to see what happens when a weak saline solution is injected into the veins of a patient in the condition of collapse .
16 It appeared to have been driven by plug & feather and is located at the end of a small gulley on a plateau high up on Swallow Scar on the easterly flanks of " Wetherlam at about 1800 ft. alt .
17 Unrest had surfaced in Lincolnshire in late February and proved to have been fomented by Clarence and Warwick with the aim of placing Clarence on the throne .
18 Unrest had surfaced in Lincolnshire in late February and proved to have been fomented by Clarence and Warwick with the aim of placing Clarence on the throne .
19 Well over 30 years later , renewed speculation as to the cause of Mozart 's premature death was prompted by an extraordinary confession said to have been made by Salieri — then in his 70s , extremely ill , and mentally unstable .
20 He had bullet wounds said to have been inflicted by Mr Athulathmudali 's bodyguard , and had apparently finished himself off by taking cyanide , a method of suicide used by Tamil Tiger guerrillas .
21 In a taped voluntary statement said to have been given by MacIver , a lorry driver , he told Inspector Angus Chisholm he had been approached two weeks earlier in a pub by a Glasgow taxi driver he knew called Joe Hughes .
22 THIS picture shows the charred remains of art restorers ' materials said to have been found by investigators feet away from the seat of the Windsor Castle fire .
23 A set of wings was also introduced , said to have been designed by Jock Lewes .
24 Its quadrangle is graced by two historic trees : one a huge holm oak planted in 1728 , the other a thorn tree said to have been planted by Mary , Queen of Scots .
25 He survived the ‘ Cumberland plot ’ in 1829 , when a rumour said to have been started by Ernest , Duke of Cumberland [ q.v. ] , circulated , saying that the Duchess of Kent was Conroy 's mistress .
26 He remembered the old map in the library , said to have been drawn by Richard Carew himself .
27 A SWORD said to have been used by poet Lord Byron in the 1823 Greek independence war is likely to fetch £4,000 at a London auction .
28 The main theme is , however , in the bass — the so-called ‘ royal theme ’ , said to have been invented by Frederick the Great of Prussia .
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