Example sentences of "[vb past] on to the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 At one stage she somehow got on to the subject of coal and said she simply did not believe it came from wood .
2 Before they got on to the subject of the commune they had been discussing which item of Hilbert 's former property they should sell next .
3 We somehow got on to the subject of detective stories , for it had been with some surprise that I learnt at the Old Parsonage meeting that at one time he had read them with avidity .
4 Somehow we then got on to the theme of French poetry , and Eliot expressed surprise at one of Herbert Read 's recent pronouncements on Laforgue and another nineteenth-century poet I can not recall and about whom at the time I knew too little to be able to arrive at an opinion .
5 Howling jackals and hyenas disturbed their nights , and kites swooped on to the plate of any man foolish enough to leave his food uncovered .
6 Willie blushed and clung on to the top of the blankets .
7 I led on to the subject of the probability of his having shortly to be released from his pain and suffering and hoped that his trust was in his Saviour and he replied , ‘ Oh yes , it is !
8 In later stages , cottage and craft industries were moved into factories , which then led on to the development of ‘ machinofacture ’ ( mechanised production ) through technological innovation .
9 The great events of his administration were the return to the gold standard , the Treaty of Locarno , the General Strike , the Imperial Conference of 1926 which led on to the Statute of Westminster , and the measures originating in the Ministry of Health for the reform of local government and the extension of social security .
10 She read on to the story of holidays at Blackpool and Filey , a trip to London , and the gradually expanding horizons which writing brought to Walter .
11 Amaranth twirled about , and a lemony yellow scarf fluttered on to the head of William Rees Mogg .
12 Nor , it appears , was any copy of the order as finally sent out from AFHQ passed on to the office of the US Political Adviser Alexander Kirk .
13 Rain felt her legs weaken and sank on to the edge of the bed .
14 With that behind us we moved on to the interaction of language and context which defines language function ; to the possibility of establishing overall structures of discourse related to particular discourse types ; and to conversational mechanisms ( although they might also be regarded , like cohesion , as formal devices linking smaller units ) .
15 The producer , who was himself about to take the reins of the tour as it moved on to the regions of Britain as the Coca Cola Hit Man roadshow with Sinitta , Sonia and others from his stable below Kylie on the bill , said plans to take her to a major stadia like Wembley had been quickly dismissed .
16 After taking us through his life and times , he moved on to the matter of his death which he hoped would be quick and peaceful .
17 They never caught on to the idea of the ground going upwards-and-downwards .
18 There was one wonderful story of a little Pakistani girl of some four to five years who accidentally wandered on to the edge of the Abu Dhabi-Dubai road .
19 We drove on to the top of the road and drew up outside a compound surrounded by a wire fence ; inside was a large white building surrounded by an expanse of gravel on which a huge group of people were drawn up in lines .
20 He went with one truck which drove on to the town of Travnik where refugees were coming under shell-fire .
21 Without thinking I tagged on to the end of the marching men and within a few seconds was past the SPs unnoticed .
22 At ground-level , a huge bronze door , decorated with panels depicting in relief the fifteen mysteries of the rosary and other biblical scenes , opened on to the interior of the church .
23 They all climbed on to the top of the fence .
24 Staff hung out of the chemists Strickland and Holt , cheering and waving ; men scrambled on to a ledge above the Peter Dominic off-licence ; boys climbed on to the top of bus shelters .
25 Generally , it was the smaller snail that climbed on to the back of the larger one and actively courted it , while the larger snail was passive , simply accepting or rejecting the advance .
26 Kalchu climbed on to the roof of the house , and with the flame he 'd brought from the shrine fire set light to the two piles of jharo .
27 Thieves climbed on to the roof of The Little Chef at Staxton , broke in and raided food stores .
28 Bobbie climbed on to the step of the engine — but at that moment , the train began to move !
29 Jobless Peter Urben , 43 , clambered on to the roof of what he thought was the optician 's and ended up in the carpet shop next door .
30 A policeman brought down two children who clambered on to the roof of a butcher 's shop in South Bank Road , Middlesbrough , at the weekend and could not get down .
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