Example sentences of "[vb past] get back to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In football , there was an early shock for Liverpool at Anfield as the champions tried to get back to the top of the table with Arsenal playing Leeds United at Highbury tomorrow .
2 The jeep was bouncing them about mercilessly as the Brigadier tried to get back to the village in time for the Captain and the Substitute to go back to Florence and eat .
3 He tried to get back to the drawing room unheard , but she was waiting .
4 Once , landing from the submarine HMS Tigris , his fellow canoeist — a Free French soldier — lost his boat in rough water , but they managed to get back to the submarine .
5 Then they 'd returned to the stable and George had got back to the House about midnight .
6 Did not get the job — dear , former [ xx ] Manager , drove me up there ( 6 miles north of Perth ) and then on to Dunkeld where he insisted on giving me lunch — he had originally thought of taking me to Gleneagles , but I had to get back to the outplacement people — and did so , only to find ‘ my ’ counsellor had , for the third time , failed to keep an appointment with me .
7 ‘ The DI 's compliments , sir , but he had to get back to the station .
8 We then had to get back to the car , and after a detour that took in just about all of the countryside , we arrive back at the airport for the flight home .
9 I expect had enough sitting around wanted to get back to the bit like mews
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