Example sentences of "[vb past] out [prep] be an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The whole operation of recognizing the bravery of the Italians who had helped prisoners-of-war turned out to be an utter disaster , not only in Eric 's area but throughout the country .
2 Unfortunately , we later discovered , the builder who was working on these kennels turned out to be an absolute cowboy .
3 An unusual call led us to the reeds by the lake , and it turned out to be an ortolan bunting , quite distinctive with its buff chest and olive-green head .
4 The campaign which Mortimer now led in Scotland turned out to be an ignominious fiasco .
5 When a crisis blew up between Israel and Egypt in 1967 , London and Washington briefly took the lead in what turned out to be an abortive attempt to organize an international naval force to re-open the disputed Straits of Tiran .
6 My father had bought the farm at an auction , at what turned out to be an inflated price .
7 My earliest memories are of Low Birk Hatt , which Daddy bought at auction when I was three , at what turned out to be an inflated price .
8 But within months the recession arrived and what had originally been considered a financially sound decision turned out to be an economic disaster .
9 IT TURNED OUT TO BE an average weekend in the war of Los Angeles .
10 She turned out to be an arrogant fanatical hyperactive zealot , piously lecturing everybody else about ‘ democracy and pluralism ’ while dismissing , indeed suppressing , every point of view different from hers .
11 It turned out to be an irritating , sad day .
12 Though only its rough foundations survived , the west gate turned out to be an impressive and imposing structure , comprising two towers with semicircular fronts , flanking a dual carriageway .
13 Lamont turned out to be an egotistical womaniser who had selfishly kept his marriage of twenty years intact ; Porter , a woman of integrity , now on her fourth marriage and deeply fond of both her disturbed children .
14 If , as was entirely possible , he found nothing and Vic turned out to be an innocent eccentric , this action would be inexcusable .
15 Her supposed punisher turned out to be an effective reward .
16 By midnight they had answered two further calls : another ‘ mickey ’ and a call of good intent which turned out to be an automatic fire alarm .
17 The corner of the opposite wood turned out to be an acute point .
18 He turned out to be an elderly ex-colonel , who was tracked down to his retirement home in Surrey .
19 But it turned out to be an endless task and , as a result , for the last few years I 've been learning phrasings from all kinds of foreign instruments .
20 He turned out to be an efficient chairman of the BBC but my first impression was amply confirmed since , although I had frequent dealings with him , he seemed to have absolutely no interest in what to me really mattered .
21 Loco change at Crewe - where there turned out to be an Open Day - gave a chance to see Princess Elizabeth in steam near the Heritage Centre .
22 It finished up it turned out to be an own goal .
23 After getting the flying bag and doing all the planning and paying Operations , we were so hungry that we had to go and eat at what turned out to be an excellent restaurant where all the airport employees go as well as the passengers .
24 Not only did the king have a spare hour for what turned out to be an excellent interview in the palace gardens , but on learning that there was now no plane to take us home until Monday , laid on two helicopters to take us all on a Sunday outing to Petra ( the ‘ rose red city half as old as time ’ ) , then on to Aqaba on the Red Sea for lunch and a swim , and home across the desert and the black tents of the Bedouins in the evening .
25 Already in 1860 Crookes had embarked on what turned out to be an important journalistic enterprise , launching the weekly Chemical News , which he edited until 1906 .
26 Johnny Boy turned out to be an old friend of Betty 's .
27 so , I mean , one school turned out to be an old factory and it was of six floors and it had one of these like industrial lifts , you know , the open caged lifts
28 He was excited and overjoyed and turned out to be an enthusiastic and forgetful parent .
29 Luckily it turned out to be an isolated incident but we had nightmares about a recurrence .
30 They were welcomed by teacher Mark O'Callaghan and pupils David Lloyd , Claire Linney , Sarah Curry and Jay Kaminski for what turned out to be an even contest with everything depending on the final question .
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