Example sentences of "[vb past] up [prep] [art] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ A vast pillar of fire rose up through the floor and decimated the display of the Nugahiro Corporation 's new range of lap-top computers ! ’
2 As the very last mouthful disappeared , a tremendous cheer rose up from the audience and children were leaping on to their chairs and yelling and clapping and shouting , ‘ Well done , Brucie !
3 A few moments later , however , a taxi drew up to the kerb and he thrust his golden head out of the window .
4 A bus drew up at the lights and the driver , an excitable Puerto Rican , climbed down from his cab to see what all the fuss was about .
5 Both Pen and Ferdinando rushed in immediately the carriage drew up at the door and wonderful was the reunion ; then within the hour the kindest of notes came from Mrs Browning begging her to find the time and energy to visit whenever she was able .
6 An elegant BMW drew up over the road and Fatimah Bankhead , the chain-smoking Islamic feminist , stepped out .
7 Then a car drew up in the courtyard and at the same time the telephone rang .
8 The seamen aboard Villa de Bilbao lined up along the bow and the starting gun was fired .
9 A test was arranged involving a detachment of Guards who lined up along the WCs and flushed in unison .
10 We lined up across the street and he said : ‘ You keep in line and if you knock anyone down , leave him and keep going . ’
11 To the accompaniment of shouts and screams from the Corporals , we lined up in the corridor and were counted and recounted by them .
12 We lined up in the final and I came off the bend well in the lead .
13 I cut off the path proper and charged up over a dune and down its other side to where the service pipe carrying the water and electricity to the house appears out of the sand and crosses the creek .
14 Gabriel knelt up inside the cart and peered out to see what would happen .
15 They caught up with the truck and followed it back to camp .
16 I caught up with the others as they were entering the front door of the house .
17 He caught up with the pair when they stopped to change getaway cars .
18 I found myself half-way up the path between the rhododendrons before the conscious mind caught up with the fact that , though there had been a padlock on the garden gate , the gate had been unlocked .
19 He watched as Turakina caught up with the pig and rode over it .
20 As Joseph caught up with the senator and Chuck , Jacques Devraux appeared on the track ahead , walking quickly back towards them .
21 He moved up to the bar but the darts club chairman intercepted him .
22 Alec moved up to the plane and ran a loving hand along its polished propeller blade .
23 Whittingham says : ‘ I got a real stamina bank built up during the summer and , once I started scoring goals , my self-confidence was sky-high .
24 Talking to members of the Education Area about their researches , I was struck by the constructive relationships that they built up with the schools and groups that they studied .
25 The afternoon audience steadily declined , built up for an hour or so in the late afternoon and then surrendered to TV , except for another late-night blip .
26 It was outside rather than inside the Cortes that a conservative opposition built up against the liberals and by 1811 the unity of patriotic reformism was broken .
27 When I was a lad a man went in the ar , he hooked up with the army if he 'd got no trade and no hope
28 Woke up with a hangover but it was a lovely day outside .
29 You Judas ! ’ shouted the devil-man , and all the piglets woke up with a start and hurtled round the lock-up colliding with prisoners and shrieking like souls in torment : a blitz of piglets .
30 He woke up with a curse and with flailing fists .
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