Example sentences of "[vb past] so [adj] that i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Val with Matthew and William took the train to Auckland — a trip they recommended so much that I did it as well , 5 weeks later — and after staying overnight with the Hartleys they flew out on 23rd March — five and a half months after our arrival .
2 In the end the man became so nervous that I had to hold his arm and literally steer him through the crowd to the right spot .
3 After that they got so frequent that I had to select . ’
4 My confidence suffered so much that I failed to reach the 50-wicket mark in three successive County Championship campaigns with Middlesex .
5 He seemed so weak that I wondered how long he would live .
6 The room , and the view , and the two people , seemed so calm that I did not want to disturb them .
7 Everything here seemed so unreal that I had to come to terms with it as soon as possible , so that I can begin work .
8 My father worked so hard that I did not have to give too much of my ‘ dole ’ money to housekeeping .
9 I felt so good that I decorated the hall .
10 In fact , I felt so wonderful that I glanced back at Old Red .
11 Stok joined in the last three words as I said them , and then he laughed So loud that I thought he would shake some of the cracked tiles off the wall .
12 For a few horrible moments I thought the motor would n't fire , but after several pulls it caught , then I just hooked my overnight bag over one shoulder , took the tiller and made for the shore , which looked so close that I felt I could have swum across . ’
13 ‘ A girlfriend made me a wonderful big , bright red jumper which I liked so much that I asked her to knit me another .
14 Her comments alongside her weekly measuring sessions said so much that I felt you would enjoy reading them too :
15 On the first one , I was making the record and I broke a string on my Firebird and could n't be bothered changing strings , and so I plugged the Lazer in and it sounded so good that I kept using it .
16 He sounded so sincere that I forgave him at once in my heart .
17 The bat flitted so low that I saw its silhouette for a brief moment against the Milky Way .
18 Once I waited so long and stayed so late that I gave myself away to Syl , who had called in the usual way at the front door , to be told by my mother that I was in the summer-house and he should go and bring me out and back to the drawing-room where , like normal people , we should converse .
19 He explained so much that I had not known .
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