Example sentences of "[vb past] as [conj] [pron] [be] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 His eyes bulged as if they were coming out of his head .
2 Groaning as if in physical pain , she rocked herself back and forth in her chair — her teeth bared as if she was grimacing at some diabolical joke .
3 Turakina behaved as if she was seeing the offworlder for the first time .
4 It seemed as if everyone was going to conform to this funeral except him .
5 He was down and sometimes it seemed as if nothing was going to shake him out of it , apart from a laugh at someone else 's expense or a shared moment of despair .
6 She felt her breasts rise with her shortened breath , and it seemed as if they were straining to brush his well-developed chest .
7 It seemed as if they were laughing now .
8 It seemed as if we were flying in the 1930s .
9 Fear often played tricks with my perception and now it seemed as if I was losing my grip of reality .
10 It seemed as if I were speaking it …
11 It seemed as if it were coming from a long distance and he waited for a moment , and the moment went into a full minute , and then slowly he opened the door .
12 It almost seemed as if it was moving further away with each stride .
13 This college seemed as if it was going to be the best thing that happened to me .
14 It seemed as if she was facing a sea of glittering gowns .
15 He did n't answer for a moment , and it seemed as if he was trying to control conflicting emotions .
16 Well anyway getting back to on hardstand number thirteen , it seemed as if he was filling his , it ran out of supplies , so he was filling his supply tank and one of the flight crew of the airplane bumped into him so he spilled this mixture of gasoline and oil over the stove and naturally the tent caught on fire .
17 ERIC Clapton closed his blues night with a touching version of a Bessie Smith classic , but as he sang ‘ Makes no difference what I do/Some folks will criticise/I 'm gon na do just what I want to do ’ , it seemed as if he was anticipating his reviews .
18 The moon was shining full on his face — it seemed as if he were staring up at it .
19 I think that , I do n't know , it just seemed as if you were looking at me like
20 ‘ Master Taplow 's winding sheet , ’ the evil sod murmured as if he was examining a painting by da Vinci or Raphael .
21 ‘ No Villanuova has ever had a job , that 's why , ’ he replied as if he were talking to a child .
22 The woman on the screen frowned as if she were having difficulty seeing them .
23 He worked as if he were roping a piece of luggage , barely looking at Tessa , not touching her unless he had to .
24 Lucenzo 's chest rose and fell as if he was identifying with the loss of the Corosini family , and that touched her heart .
25 The leather chafed her heels and the straps felt as if they were going to crush her bones .
26 Patrick squirmed uncomfortably in the jumper and the trousers , which were at least two sizes too large for him — he felt as if they were going to fall down at any moment .
27 It hurt him to think of it even now ; he looked at the tall aloof girl , calmly cutting bread and butter , and felt as if something was bleeding inside him .
28 That being so , he was a joy to walk — which made it odd that she felt as if something was missing .
29 He had come to the banqueting hall in order to have a look at the river from the roof ; the river had risen and widened so much that the entire countryside seemed to be sliding past and one felt as if one were standing on the deck of a ship .
30 As she spoke she felt as if she were stepping into Jake 's craziness , becoming part of it .
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