Example sentences of "[vb past] she down on the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Penry pulled her down on the sofa forcibly .
2 Mary laughed as Martin pulled her down on the bed beside him .
3 Then he grabbed at her gown , got her down on the floor
4 But he laid her down on the horsehair sofa , and said Mrs Patten would not be in yet , and there was time ; and time there was , and what had happened last night was repeated , once and then again , until she , flushed and dishevelled , pulled down her dress , and said ‘ She is coming .
5 Through the Lousadas Minton was to an extent drawn into a Hammersmith circle of artists which included Victor Pasmore , Julian Trevelyan and Mary Fedden who once danced with Minton at a New Year 's Eve party until she literally dropped , whereupon he gently laid her down on the floor .
6 He put her down on the bed , and , removing the crutch from her nerveless hand , tossed it into the corner , before sitting beside her .
7 He carried her across the corridor and put her down on the bed .
8 I put her down on the couch and said , ‘ Just put your head back , ’ and told her some Alexander Principles .
9 Molly carried her a little way towards the house and then set her down on the pavement by the front door .
10 He set her down on the landing and she stood on one foot , using the wall for support while he opened his living-room door .
11 Then he bundled her now rosy body into her dry shirt and sat her down on the sleeping-bag to vigorously rub her hair dry .
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