Example sentences of "[vb past] by [noun sg] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The Queen Mother 's absence left the royal party depleted as it arrived by carriage procession down the racecourse .
2 Gardiner from Stroud in Gloucestershire arrived by prison bus for the start of his retrial for the murder of Alan Chalky White , a man described by the prosecution as a police informer .
3 A more interesting function is that performed by orientation detectors in the primate visual cortex .
4 They were a species of organizational rhetoric ( now menaced by public access to the monopoly of enforcement ) , embodying compromise between conflicting values and recognition of the vagaries of the environment to be controlled .
5 It 's actually a black porous substance made by heating coal in the absence of air , and consists of virtually pure carbon .
6 Figures 6.3 and 6.4 reproduced by kind permission of the authors and editor of the British Medical Journal )
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