Example sentences of "[vb past] from the [noun] [conj] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 A heron rose from the river and flapped away into a clump of tall trees in the distance .
2 He rose from the sofa and placed himself in front of a picture .
3 He rose from the desk and came round to Duncan 's shoulder .
4 He rose from the desk and turned on another light in the room .
5 A peculiar head slowly rose from the hole and peered into the room with patient animal scrutiny .
6 When he was certain it was out of range , Adam rose from the trench and made his way towards the hangars , alert to any further helicopters being readied .
7 The other children , my playmates , meant little to me ; so little that one day they all rose from the field and vanished , like angels .
8 Len now rose from the bed and began his packing , while Joe , picking up his cap , looked at him for a moment , then said , ‘ Well , be seeing you . ’
9 He rose from the bed and walked across to the chair where he had slung his jacket .
10 Stratton rose from the bed and walked to the bathroom .
11 She rose from the bed and stared at her reflection in the speckled mirror on the wall .
12 Rachel rose from the bed and took up the tray from the bed-side table .
13 Goodenache rose from the bed and went to the window .
14 As he rose from the settle and put his glass down none too gently on the table , she said , ‘ Aye .
15 He rose from the table and gathered up his belongings , leaving the last two chips for Mrs Shorrocks .
16 Of a sudden Aggie rose from the table and left the room , and the smile slid slowly from Millie 's face and she looked at the funny young man , as she thought of him , and said , ‘ Is she vexed ? ’
17 Assume it 's okay , ’ and she rose from the table and went upstairs .
18 At one point , Joan rose from the table and went to the ladies ' room .
19 A faint wash of colour rose under her skin and she rose from the table and walked to the counter .
20 Then a calf mooed nearby , and its mother answered in a deep contralto ; a dog barked , and a cock began to crow , and with a sudden rush of wings , a company of rooks rose from the ground and flew away , making a neat cross-stitch pattern in the sky .
21 Harold rose from the chair and walked restlessly about the room .
22 Aggie rose from the chair and went into the scullery , and Ben , reaching along the table , covered Millie 's hand with his own , and she turned and gazed at him .
23 Charlie rose from the chair and shook her hand vigorously to confirm that his first deal was closed .
24 He rose from the chair and watched the girl come slowly into the room .
25 Halfway across , as the Channel became La Manche , language reassembled itself , rose from the waves and became French .
26 At the end of the song she rose from the couch and went to the door , hesitated , did not open it , and then returned to the window-seat .
27 I moved from the window and stood over a gaping crack in the floorboards and listened hard .
28 Blood erupted from the wound that opened like a grinning mouth , spewing crimson over the lifeless figures .
29 Gouts of blood erupted from the wound and hit the windscreen with a loud splash .
30 No pearly raindrops dripped from the gutters or lay trapped in the hollows of the leaves .
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