Example sentences of "[vb past] that they [be] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 In this survey they looked at the different kinds of training and jobs undertaken by black people and found that they were likely to be doing worse jobs than white youth irrespective of their qualifications .
2 The plaintiffs then argued that they were entitled to equal treatment by the law ; it was unjust that they should be compelled to use the Convention , the translation requirements of which they found insurmountably expensive , whilst the foreign defendant was under no such burden .
3 " The Council for the Protection of Rural England stated that they were opposed to " further damage of Britain 's vanishing natural uplands " .
4 On the failure to honour this promise , the bank claimed that they were entitled to a lien on the goods by virtue of the agreement in the letter .
5 He exposed cells in culture to influenza virus , showed that they were resistant to infection with certain other viruses , and isolated from his cultures a protein which conferred the same resistance on fresh cells .
6 Initially the Australians showed that they were unprepared to be manipulated by quietly but firmly refusing to commit themselves to the ANC 's extra-curricular initiatives for a Boipatong visit and the wearing of black armbands during matches .
7 Obviously most firms would readily sacrifice some profit if it meant that they were likely to be in business for some time .
8 Stephen was delighted with them and all his men knew that they were special to him .
9 It should be noted , however , that an alternative hypothesis has been suggested for the formation of the Straits of Dover by Stamp ( 1927 ) , who thought that they were due to the southwards overflow of a proglacial lake ponded up in the southern North Sea by an ice front stretching from England to Holland .
10 Indeed , he thought that they were entitled to encouragement and to some increased advantage ( a hint for a reduction in Royalties , doubtless ) and under that impression he solicited a new lease .
11 This at least is the neatest way of explaining some of the conflicts described in Gregory 's Histories between free Franks and administrators who insisted that they were liable to taxation : Parthenius they lynched , and Audo they deprived of his property .
12 The indentured labourers hoped to be able to set up as independent farmers once they had worked off the costs of their passages , but the islands soon became so crowded that they were unlikely to be able to do this .
13 As to the recent faults the committee concluded that they were due to careless handling of the cable during laying , to poor design and to bad practices in overall manufacture .
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