Example sentences of "[vb past] that [pers pn] could [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Once he frogmarched a knocker out of a press conference , although it transpired that he could hardly wait to see what the victim wrote next .
2 Foreign teachers of English often joked that they could not pass TOEFL , but for the Chinese students it was no laughing matter .
3 By 1938 the Unemployment Insurance Statutory Committee ad-mitted that it could not increase dependants ' benefits without pushing the level of unemployment benefit for the family man above the level of many workers earnings .
4 She absorbed influences around her indiscriminately , like blotting paper , and was so busy , strident and involved that she could never draw back to see things as they really were .
5 Benson was a large , calm man in his early sixties , grey of hair , cherubic and cheerful of countenance , and wearing a sports jacket , flannels and polo jersey , all of varying shades of grey and all so lived in , comfortable and crumpled that he could well have inherited them from his grandfather .
6 Even after the passing of minimum-wage legislation in 1909 , as many as 42 per cent of the homeworkers in the trades covered by the Acts found that they could not earn the statutory minimum .
7 Patterson trained her subjects to ask questions when they found that they could not choose between competing referents .
8 Marathon runners finishing after 2 hours 45 minutes found that they could not get into the stadium after a 26 mile 385 yard slog in 90F temperatures .
9 Tower Hamlets found that they could not decentralize Social Services , for example , because of the statutory requirement to have a Social Services Committee , but everything else they 've erm within the overall Council policy , which is decided by all the Councillors , they 've decentralized a great deal of the powers down to these local groups of Councillors , and where the Labour control the areas they control these local Councils , and where the Liberal Democrats control them they control them , and I think it 's working very well .
10 The Poles found that they could not impose any kind of law and order until they knew the exact borders they had been given , and as each day passed they became more and more desperate for a final decision .
11 The Kaszubes in Danzig and Germany found that they could not export their produce to Poland economically simply because Polish produce was cheaper , and in the Corridor they could not export their produce to Germany effectively because , as far as the Germans were concerned , the Kaszubes were Polish .
12 ‘ Great , ’ he reiterated , ‘ sampled a bit of the local night-life , lost a few francs at the gambling tables , and then found that we could n't drag ourselves away from each other , so we spent the night in a hotel . ’
13 No , no , that would n't worry me , I just , I said when we got rid of our other sideboard let's do without one and then I looked round and thought well what the dickens am I going to do with all this stuff that we 've got and I just found that we could n't do without it .
14 ‘ I also found that I could n't sit down properly , ’ says Otis .
15 ‘ As a senior director , I 'm used to having complete creative authority while making a film and I found that I could n't carry out my job in the manner to which I had become accustomed .
16 When I meet women from other countries and they talk about Western feminism and Third World feminism , I did n't see it that way at all I was looking for a political party and I found that I could n't find any which suited my political beliefs and a party that combined Third World and British issues .
17 since I am one of those people who do something the wrong way round , if there is the slightest opportunity , I also inserted the needle incorrectly the first time only spotting my mistake when I read on and found that I could not follow the next instruction if my needle was at the back of the work .
18 I found that I could quickly discard the handbook in favour of striking out on my own and was quite satisfied with the results .
19 Brian May is one of my favourite guitarists and I found that I could really relate to his window idea .
20 Turning from downwind to base at around 500 feet I found that you could almost pull the throttle completely back and make a glide approach .
21 Eyes wide with surprise , he found that he could n't draw another breath , though the growing pain forced him to try .
22 He found that he could n't remain seated while she was striding to and fro across the office .
23 He found that he could n't go out with the lads anymore , and he felt he 'd lost his happy-go-lucky side .
24 Charlie found that he could n't get himself to look at them , although he was still able to see from their reflection in the mirror behind the bar that they were deep in conversation .
25 Feeling quite ill and willing himself not to look down , he stretched up and found that he could just reach the circular window .
26 In 1820 , when the Constitution of 1812 was in force , the king found that he could not change the Captain General of New Castile on his own order .
27 The King therefore saw Samuel before Baldwin ; and Samuel gave the advice which the Sovereign wanted to hear , namely that if MacDonald proved unable to carry his Cabinet , the best solution to the crisis would be a National Government , led by MacDonald , ‘ unless he found that he could not carry with him a sufficient number of his colleagues ’ .
28 Paul found that he could not stay with her at present ; he excused himself , got up from the table , fetched his hat and a stout stick , and went out into the day .
29 He did manage to establish the English in a ring of garrisons in southern Scotland , but — like Edward I before him — he found that he could not extend his grip in any effective way into northern Scotland beyond the Tay ; and his southern castles could be recaptured .
30 William claimed that Richard cheated by plunging his sword into William 's horse when he found that he could not win by fair means .
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