Example sentences of "[vb past] that [pron] had [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 But now she realized that she had seen him before .
2 He had never questioned their presence , but now he realised that it had oppressed him .
3 The IRA announced that they had killed him , and police found his body near Crossmaglen on Sept. 17 .
4 She probably believed that she had converted him .
5 The boy stood up and his expression of mixed defiance and desperation showed that it had cost him something to enter this house .
6 When Derek got the run they all cheered and a reporter commented that they had given him a great welcome , but could not possibly have known the significance of the run .
7 A restless movement on his part betrayed that she had provoked him once more , but in a different fashion .
8 I was happy in that I felt that I had paid him back a little for the thousands of hours he had spent at West London Stadium , stopwatch in hand , urging us all on to greater things .
9 Somehow he felt that she had beaten him at his own game of keeping things on a cool level .
10 She often felt that she had let him down .
11 As soon as Fosdyke had taken the pictures , she felt that she had shown him too much of her private life and put out her hand to receive them back .
12 Perhaps it was the effect of the enchanted drink , but he suddenly knew that what had made him hesitate before , her social rank , now seemed a ridiculous objection .
13 One lady positively adored her little Chihuahua , Poco , for 15 years , but the time came when he was persistently ill and she knew that she had to save him from further suffering .
14 Suddenly she knew that she had to warn him .
15 The report proved that she had known him very well indeed , and for a very long time .
16 Someone said that they had heard him suggest that all guests should be breathalysed at the door , for Rush had the reputation locally for being a more than usually dedicated policeman .
17 I asked what the DTI officials had said , and he said that they had told him nothing .
18 They did not give their reasons , but Fr Morrow said that they had told him they had carefully studied the Law Lords ' decision to allow feeding tubes to be removed from Mr Bland and felt that they could not serve the summons .
19 But this , this bloke has sort of said , ooh he said , apparently one of the blokes that were working for him said that he had overheard him saying they were gon na burn the coach out .
20 He asked her out to lunch because he hoped that she had missed him .
21 Well , she had shrugged her shoulders metaphorically at that , and oh , how she wished that she had heeded him , instead of going on what she now saw clearly had been her wilful way .
22 Minton explained that he had recognised him from a self-portrait that had been exhibited at the AIA Gallery in London .
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