Example sentences of "[vb past] that [pron] be [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 Do you remember at the announcement of last year 's results we erm we mentioned that we were concentrating on four themes one 's cost reduction er driving for cash erm , improving our market share and investing for the future .
2 As soon as he looked out of the window on the morning after he arrived ( he tells them ) and saw what the place was like , he realized that it was based on the tutorial system .
3 She licked her lips nervously , and realised that she was sitting on the edge of the sofa , staring at him as though her life depended on it .
4 The journey was not in vain , for I quickly realised that I was walking on man-made terraces .
5 Alison Halford has dropped her sex discrimination case against Merseyside Police and announced that she is to retire on medical grounds with a lump sum payment and pension .
6 William Barr obliged and , on Oct. 10 , the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation ( FBI ) , William Sessions , announced that he was embarking on an inquiry into possible misconduct at the Justice Department ( of which the FBI was institutionally a part ) with regard to the handling of CIA reports .
7 In an interview with France ( Inter ) radio on Oct. 11 Aoun admitted that he was surrounded on all sides , but claimed to be ready for " the last battle " .
8 Her mother had had a fit when Carolyn admitted that she was living on social security .
9 They , they asked that it be done on a Friday and a Saturday and that they appeared on Thursday with it , erm , I 'm getting on with it .
10 Although ten full minutes passed after leaving his party swigging juice happily and pointing at the loch , a casual glance backwards revealed that they were gaining on us quickly .
11 At two o'clock he was called , and told that he was wanted on the telephone .
12 It happened that she was propped on her elbow and could see that he had his fingers crossed .
13 ‘ Mr Mallon stated that I was embarked on sweeping the RUC very clean and inferred for that reason that some senior people within the force did not wish that approach to continue .
14 Rejecting this accusation , China claimed that it was drilling on the Chinese side of a north-south boundary line in the Gulf of Tonkin agreed in 1887 by China and France , Vietnam 's then colonial ruler .
15 He claimed that he was struck on the left leg and was knocked off-balance and said that afterwards he had difficulty moving .
16 Theodore claimed that he was acting on the instructions of Childebert 's magnates .
17 ‘ I began to lose consciousness and felt that I was standing on the world 's edge aside of a high , dark space looking across it , thinking that I was about to enter into it .
18 Blake felt that he was standing on something .
19 Martha felt that she was walking on air and when she entered the kitchen , Annie looked up .
20 By the middle of January 1918 the Labour leaders knew that they were sitting on a potential volcano .
21 I knew that she was operating on a matter of some principle , something basic and territorial , something she had been taught , perhaps .
22 It no longer occurred to Folly to doubt that Luke was telling the truth — and she knew that she was concentrating on his explanation simply as a shield against the other questions that hovered only a breath away .
23 She treated coldly all attempts to dab the scent on her own sleeve , rejected any suggestion that it could suitably be tried out on Owen and Mahmoud , and insisted that it be tested on a woman , an assistant , perhaps , or , preferably , the shopkeeper 's wife , a suggestion which , with its hint of superiority , would have had shopkeepers in the more Westernized parts of the city grovelling but was treated simply commercially in the bazaar .
24 He gave France stronger armed forces , insisted that she be respected on the world stage and believed that she must rely on her own resources for survival .
25 ‘ I said that something was set on fire today . ’
26 He wrote that he was lying on a concrete floor ; he mentioned acute rheumatism , chronic bronchitis ; ‘ My ribs are tight , I have a lot of fever , I cough all the time .
27 He took out his map , which indeed suggested that he was riding on the main Brussels highway , but maps were notoriously inaccurate .
28 The firm set of Niall Grant 's mouth suggested that she was treading on dangerous ground .
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