Example sentences of "[vb past] they [coord] [verb] them [adv] " in BNC.

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1 They 've melted them , dissolved them , cracked them and fished them out — now they 're going to attack them with an electric whisk .
2 It was n't fair , just or right for the Signora to come before the hour appointed ; she should have been admitted by Giovanna herself and the keys should have remained hanging on their appointed hook ; the other set being in the pocket of Giovanna 's overall from which she now drew them and held them up making it clear that they would be relinquished only upon her death and then only into the hands of Signor Kettering .
3 Tiny figures with wands of fire were milling about the canalside , hopping from boat to boat , their shadows leaping up the faces of the buildings on the other bank as the fleeting light caught them and threw them about .
4 Let me go ! ’ and flung her hands out and he caught them and held them firmly .
5 For instance , I was able to witness the dogs ' problems first-hand as Melanie muzzled them and brought them together into the living room .
6 They would be drawn into the system which mulcted them and bullied them more completely than ever .
7 I pretended to find a smudge on the glasses , rinsed them , dried them and held them up to the light .
8 The calm , thoughtful way she acknowledged them and talked them through with me made me feel that we had taken the first step towards friendship .
9 ‘ They took away our films , developed them and gave them back damaged .
10 Every station sent in the reports in code and we collected them and sent them on to Bomber Command Headquarters .
11 After killing a number of traders and native policemen , and an elder who had counselled prudence , they took to the hills , where a detachment of the King 's African Rifles surprised them and drove them out , with about twenty casualties .
12 The eagles debated this coming for years , for in other places men harmed them and drove them away , and they wondered if they should attack the men , even at the sacred site itself .
13 And erm , I tried them on , well I , I bought , I mean I bought them and brought them home and a sort of cropped , cropped leggings they did n't really do anything for me .
14 And I 'll say this now , they was in business there , nextdoor , and I knew them like that , they says any machinery come here and use it , and they 'd got shears and all that sort of thing , and with their help , you know , I had these four locks and did them and took them down in no time to m to er , to and they was flabbergasted because of the quickness of them , you know , and they says er we can always find you sommat to work if er this is the case .
15 Er he used to do , we used to have a round each morning and collect all the films from the chemists and then we developed and printed them and took them back at night .
16 But like that A lot of families had them and kept them just for the family .
17 You know , there was a lot of people had them and gave them out to neighbours or not total strangers , but people that were n't really related to them .
18 well can you explain please as the man who devised these charges and assessed them and work them out how by some process of reason anybody reading that sentence gets the clue that when it says management charges will rise at a rate below the level of inflation , it refers to one pound fifty nine , how can you understand that ?
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