Example sentences of "[vb past] a [noun sg] [prep] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If we decide to be less cynical , we could suggest that God triggered a supernova at exactly the right time to draw the Magi towards the place where His son was being born .
2 Both involved a delay of about an hour , and in the second case an officer was forced to go in a staff car to attend the patient .
3 How awfully dull it would be if all our teachers approached a class in exactly the same way , with exactly the same movements , all executed at the same pace and with expectations of the same rigid standard of achievement .
4 Before the dog could say more , there came a hissing from outside the wall .
5 He seemed a man without either a past or a future .
6 In the first quarter of 1980 the ICI group was making profits at a rate of six hundred million pounds a year and in the third quarter we posted a loss for only the second time in our history .
7 In the beargardens that became a feature of almost every major kite flying meeting , a parade of well-dressed bears took on the role of chairbears , observing in silence the antics of crazy ‘ humes ’ as they lounged in their designer suits , awaiting the call to elevation .
8 It 's been suggested that the crowd was too large for the organisers to handle , and at today 's police authority meeeting Gloucestershire 's Chief Constable announced a review into how the event was run .
9 In May 1980 , it announced a study on how the country could safeguard supplies to industry .
10 There followed a period of over a year when Karl moved aimlessly through a succession of jobs .
11 ‘ Just outside the village I discovered a quarry of over a hundred metres in diameter .
12 In sum the archaeological evidence confirms in rather a striking manner the impression conveyed by writers who held to the view that ivory connoted luxury and in itself constituted a treasure in much the same sense as gold , silver and precious stones .
13 We also saw a film about how the dogs are trained .
14 It was no accident that medical misogyny , with its powerful definitions of moral and immoral female behaviour , reached a peak at precisely the moment when middle-class women were beginning to challenge the hegemony of the male professions .
15 Later on Marcus came in , took a bag from inside the noise-maker and dropped it in a large crackling black bag .
16 He went back , took a hoe from inside the door of his house and stabbed furiously at the cabbage patch , trying to rearrange the furrows in neat order .
17 And then they had a tip outside where the lorries backed into
18 ‘ We had a girl in here the other day with an exchange student from France , ’ said David 's wife Esther , ‘ She did n't know what mushy peas were so we gave her some and she hated them !
19 The universal weapon was the compound bow , which had a pull of around a hundred and sixty pounds .
20 He had a choice of either a club or 15s. 0d. ; he chose the latter !
21 ‘ I had a visitor in here the other day , you see .
22 Within a dozen years Philadelphia , its capital , was among the half-dozen largest English towns in North America and , although it had a population of only a few thousand people , very few towns in England apart from London were much larger .
23 The company was set up by Mr W.C. Dann and , within a few years , had a workforce of over a hundred .
24 So I had a job for about a year er in a fruit shop and then I did n't like the Saturday work
25 ‘ Tell him I can not see anyone , ’ said a voice from inside the study .
26 ‘ Utterson , ’ said a voice from inside the study , ‘ I beg you to leave me alone ! ’
27 ‘ This was the time when the group should have started to become a real group , but it seemed that everybody had an opinion on how the record should sound and we ended up becoming less of a group .
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