Example sentences of "[vb past] a [noun] and it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They drew a chair and it tips forward you know and helps you up .
2 cos he was thrown against the wall and hit a mole on his head or something and it caused a bruise and it has actually damaged his brain .
3 Anyway , the Masai threw a spear and it struck the DO . ’
4 The last English case in point is Twyford v. Manchester Corporation [ 1946 ] Ch. 236 , a decision by Romer J. The corporation owned a cemetery and it charged the plaintiff , a monumental mason , fees for permission to cut , recut , repaint and regild inscriptions on monuments and stones in the cemetery .
5 I would have been here sooner but one of our carriage horses slung a shoe and it took four hours to find a smith .
6 Cos I I got a watch and it says five past twelve , but it 's more than that !
7 They were stopped outside the gate , of course , and after a time the sergeant on guard came out and spoke to them and they began an argument and it got very heated because this sergeant thought that the Americans were like knights of old rescuing a damsel in distress .
8 Each time the workmen saw me , they offered a ride and it became more difficult to refuse , until on the sixth day I weakened .
9 ‘ You took a chance and it has worked out and I am so happy for you .
10 ‘ I had a relationship and it blew up through various circumstances .
11 The Renault five turbo going down the road and had a crash and it split in two did n't it ?
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