Example sentences of "[vb past] and [verb] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He began at left-back , but it was on the right that he really excelled and became recognised as a quality player by friend and foe alike .
2 He pulled on his shoes , rose and began to jog along the road in the direction the car had taken .
3 He rose and began to dance round the room .
4 But something did delay her ; she stopped and stood to stare at a marvel of nature , so strange as to suspend belief .
5 She looked at Mairi , who happened to glance over and catch her eye ; and the woman howled and started to moan at the very sight of the wee lass .
6 Evelyn O'Dowd had her own set of principles , which she changed and updated depending on the situation .
7 Some British armoured cars came and began shooting from a distance , and in the chaos I shouted out to four or five brother officers and we drove off in a truck .
8 Maximus tried to reconquer Rome but failed and had to call in the help of his British brothers-in-law .
9 The raw material for consumer targeting includes : a ) Official UK Census of Population statistics , which may be sorted , permutated and aggregated according to the analysis requirements .
10 Some fleeting affairs , but things without heat ; all the passion of her being , head and heart , which she sought and longed to give with a fierceness that no one knew , that belied her cool exterior , varnished nails and ( she hoped ) elegant way .
11 Then he frowned and seemed to consider for a moment .
12 ‘ Well , that cuts them out of my book , unless , of course , they 're entertaining , witty , rich , and — ’ Here he turned and began to march from the room , saying , ‘ have the sense to appreciate my worth . ’
13 She turned and began to run down the stairs .
14 The crossbow bolt whirred out , nicking the hindquarters of the second dog , which turned and fled howling into the darkness .
15 I turned and started to head for the dunes at a slow run .
16 He turned and started to run down the road , southwards , into Dresden .
17 But the troops rebelled and refused to leave during the winter .
18 In 1167 his army had been decimated before Rome by an outbreak of malaria ; and he had been chased over the Alps in humiliating disaster ; but still he plotted and planned to return to the task .
19 Later that evening Heathcliff 's servant Joseph arrived and asked to speak to the master .
20 A blue Mini arrived and began manoeuvring into the limited space remaining as Melissa picked her way along the uneven path and knocked on the door of number three .
21 The carpenter nodded and began to cry like a child .
22 Mr Major just grinned and continued talking to the children , from Dulwich College , south London .
23 My presence disturbed them and they flew screaming about me for many minutes until they tired and began to settle on the dark water .
24 One of Gilbert 's gloves flew off , and the next time his hand hit the floor it stuck and began to sink into the carpet pile .
25 The whore sniffed and tried to walk with a ladylike gait ; she seemed a little drunk and occasionally stopped to pause for breath .
26 Coleby grunted and began to move towards the door .
27 The Butcher grunted and began to rummage in a metal box .
28 Here I alighted and began to walk into the wood in search of something .
29 Police said Mr Lavelle collapsed and stopped breathing after an altercation with a player from the opposing side during a match on Saturday at Hendon , north London .
30 Andrew added : ‘ She smelled smoke through the letterbox and naturally panicked and started banging on the door and shouting .
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