Example sentences of "[vb past] to [be] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Planning Ward v Secretary of State for the Environment ; CA ( Woolf , Nicholls , Staughton LJJ ) ; 25 Sept 1989 A private garden was capable of being an ‘ open space ’ and something that should be taken into account when deciding whether a development proposed to be carried out in a conservation area would preserve or enhance the area within s 277 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1971 , as substituted , and of Circular No 8 of 1987 issued by the Secretary of State .
2 Artemis then saw her father standing by his favourite window , in the company of a tall dark-haired woman , whom Artemis found to be staring back at her .
3 THOMAS PENNANT in his " Tour in Scotland " 1772 writes , " A present was made me of a clach clun ceilach , or cock-knee stone , believed to be obtained out of that part of the bird ; but I have unluckily forgotten its virtues .
4 THOMAS PENNANT in his " Tour in Scotland " 1772 writes , " A present was made me of a clach clun ceilach , or cock-knee stone , believed to be obtained out of that part of the bird ; but I have unluckily forgotten its virtues .
5 A train was blown up in Cambodia 's Battambang province in the latest of a series of attacks believed to be carried out by Khmer Rouge guerrillas .
6 Obviously , they deserved to be beaten out of sight , but since the weather had looked almost certain to save them if someone could have stayed there , the collapse became even more abject .
7 Perhaps this operation would be the last , perhaps his Western masters would finally decide that the old workhorse had given his best and deserved to be put out in rich pastures .
8 But we have to examine his other main passion : creative drama , as it came to be called round about this time .
9 It is quite clear that nothing is missing from the other end of the Interludium as it was copied on to this vellum : the vellum had already been cut to its surviving top edge by the time the Interludium came to be written on to it .
10 The puzzling thing to me is how a man like Stavanger ever came to be mixed up with him . "
11 It would certainly explain how you came to be washed up in Seal Haven . ’
12 He 'd been a social worker , then a deputy director of social services — he 'd been fired after the famous ‘ babyswap ’ scandal , but that was how he came to be taken up by FAMILY .
13 The very word ‘ teaching ’ came to be looked on with disfavour , implying , as it did , an unacceptable de-haut-en-bas presumption with regard to the teacher 's role .
14 The charges were made by Derek Johnson of Southern Counties , a silver medal winner at the Olympic Games in 1956 , who told the board 's annual meeting that he wanted to correct the record on how the board came to be wound up in 1987 and its financial affairs taken over by the AAA .
15 Sequent is targeting Oracle NLM users and OS/2 estimated to be running out of power .
16 Sequent is targeting Oracle NetWare Loadable Module users and OS/2 users estimated to be running out of power .
17 He seemed to be gazing up at the night sky .
18 It seemed to be calling out to him , calling out to his feeling , his very being .
19 The possibility of an increase in Japanese interest rates was raised , but seemed to be ruled out for the present by the Finance Minister , Ryutaro Hashimoto , in a statement made after his return to Tokyo .
20 Chemistry in turn , even ‘ organic chemistry ’ , was considerably more advanced than the life-sciences , which just seemed to be taking off into an era of exciting progress .
21 It seemed to be locked on to some invisible beam that was projecting from out of June 's vagina .
22 Frightened as much by her own emotional weakness as by the almost dangerous , threatening atmosphere which seemed to be building up between them , she was beginning to feel like some poor rabbit caught in a trap .
23 Phrase by phrase , syllable by syllable , a bewitchment seemed to be building up round Adam ; Ruth almost thought he shone with his own light now , like a flame .
24 At last she seemed to be getting through to him .
25 When it seemed to be getting out of hand , he insisted that its aim was to improve the system , not to change it .
26 All those nights when she had n't been able to sleep seemed to be catching up with her .
27 Suddenly the lack of sleep and tension seemed to be catching up in one great wave of dizziness .
28 The desert sand sometimes seemed to be made up of pellets of dried yeast , road-workers ' grit , or face-powder .
29 My face seemed to be made up of a mass of needles or electrical impulses . ’
30 My face seemed to be made up of a mass of needles or spikes or electrical impulses .
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