Example sentences of "[vb past] the [noun sg] that [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Outside on the terrace , at the point from where Francis used to dive , and made the dive that killed him , I looked down into the moon-flecked pool .
2 None of the 70,000 English , Scots , Irish , and Anzac troops expected the reception that awaited them , and the rain of death that would greet them from the machine-guns of the Turkish 9th Division , hidden in the hills above .
3 Watching him speak , and seeing the man he was , I realized the distress that allowed him to reveal his feelings to me .
4 Forester set the canvas roll down on the ground and undid the tape that bound it up .
5 A large hand pushed her head down to her knees , and automatically she obeyed the voice that told her to protect herself with her arms .
6 For my grand uncle could mind the man that dug the ditch that drained it .
7 James showed the class that won him PFA recognition , even though Boro fans may rate Pears the No.1 goalkeeper .
8 But the fifteen that stayed and played on Saturday typified the courage that pulled them out of the gloom .
9 Then Handlebar 's cock suddenly jumped into the air , flew the distance that separated it from its rival and came down on the darker bird with its neck arched and talons open .
10 The three climbing down the ladder broke the spell that transfixed them , petrified them into plaster statues .
11 He smiled at her and , in offering her reassurance , broke the spell that held them .
12 The voice spread like ink through blotting paper and seeped across his mind until it reached the nerve that knew it to be Bella 's .
13 Lilith Penrose removed the wedge that held it .
14 One of the young people from our party carried the banner that led us .
15 Some said the syndicate that runs it is so powerful it can order the airline , and even the government , to do whatever it wants .
16 Seth was himself a charming drug-addicted , dope-dealing , pimping , strip-show barker who found what looked like salvation and wrote the novel that won him acclaim and rebirth .
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