Example sentences of "[vb past] the [adj] [noun] that [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The sun westered as she passed the gutted farm that had now been pulled down .
2 It solidified the tentative ideas that had been evolving in Whitehall since the drafting of the 1952 Global Strategy paper ; and it was , in many respects , ahead of thinking in Washington , where traditional military orthodoxy still held sway .
3 For example , the Va n't Hoff-Le Bel hypothesis ( 1874 ) predicted the tetrahedral shape of methane and revealed the essential rigidity that characterises classical organic molecules .
4 VINNIE JONES put down his pint and revealed the unique preparations that guided Wimbledon to another incredible triumph against the odds — a week of partying , brawling and booze .
5 Nevertheless , the Rokkaku cult spread from the USA and UK into Australia , Tasmania , New Zealand , Italy , Belgium and Germany , such that it became the ideal barrier-breaker that brought flyers together .
6 The discovery of more stable chemicals ( Table 3 ) — the true residual insecticides — which were sprayed on to the walls and roofs of dwellings and left a deposit that was lethal to mosquitoes resting on it for many weeks and even months , produced the ideal control that did not demand an impossibly high efficiency .
7 England got the all-important shot that took them through to the final which they lost 19-8 to Ireland .
8 By focusing on the educational needs of the poor , the act avoided the religious controversy that killed its proposals under Kennedy .
9 Francis identifies the stages of the SI narrative as a chronological trajectory corresponding to ( i ) the Experimental Laboratory period ; ( ii ) the detonator period ( which refers to Debord 's boast that he provided the explosive machinery that ignited in May 1968 ) ; ( iii ) the Fallout period after the SI disbanded in 1972 .
10 Not simply was a market the only effective mechanism for the exchange of commodities and services in a large-scale modern society ; it was also the foundation of democracy , as it provided the economic independence that made a dictatorship impossible .
11 We entered the public gardens that surround the Royal pavilion .
12 An organisation once the size of a Station now resided in one small corner of the airfield at Wyton but it maintained the excellent tradition that saw it produce many thousands of aircrew .
13 Peter Powell 's adventures with kites had already put him into the headlines when he ‘ flew ’ his grandmother , long before he perfected the diamond-shaped stunter that made him a worldwide name from 1974 .
14 They were originally approached by a client and , on the client 's behalf , they then approached the other banks that participated in the exercise ( as well as a number that refused to ) .
15 It 's believed the attacker used the public footpath that crosses her field .
16 Beyond the gutter shouting children pursued the polished carriages that rattled towards the rue de la Blanchisserie , but the coachmen were experts with their long whips which snapped sharply back to drive the urchins off .
17 After wandering about for a while she finally got her bearings and found the splendid staircase that led to the grand hall and the main entrance .
18 It is a commonplace to say that the triumph of Auschwitz was essentially organizational : we found the sacred fire that hides in the human heart and built an autobahn that went there .
19 We checked on the five french windows that opened on to the playground , noted the survival of the wash-house and , on walking to the side of the school and round the back , found the original planks that constituted the vieille planche intact .
20 Darwin regarded the local varieties that exist within many species as incipient new species , on the assumption that further change would increase the separation between the varieties to such an extent that they would eventually be unable to breed together .
21 Her cheeks , which had been so white the previous evening , now had colour , and instead of sagging with exhaustion she radiated the extraordinary vitality that had so attracted me at our first meeting on the Cutty Sark .
22 The demonstrators ' tactic of walking into the police lines , while it was a principled assertion of their right to march , invited the violent response that followed and made further violence much more likely .
23 She was so proud of herself for getting that out , grinning wildly at the other woman , that Ruth could n't subject her to more and left them for the tennis courts while they unpacked the dusty Seat that seemed to be packed to the gunnels with baskets of clothes and packages .
24 He too recognised the great gap that yawned between them .
25 The Brett-Jones Report , eleven years later , reiterated and reinforced the principal points of the Wells and Eve Reports , and recognised the enormous changes that had occurred in the intervening years .
26 She hardly recognised the vibrant image that looked back at her from the glass with wide , baffled eyes bright through weak , stupid tears .
27 In the autumn of 1890 Tiller was asked to present a quartet of children at the Prince of Wales Theatre , Liverpool , in the pantomime Robinson Crusoe , subtitled The Good Friday That Came On A Saturday .
28 Mr Lang also told the grand committee that figures due out this week , covering the year to December 1992 , would show marked improvements in the length of time National Health Service patients spent waiting for treatment ; a record number of patients and that the Government was on course to meet the guarantee that virtually no-one would have to wait more than 18 months for treatment .
29 Freud told the old Man that had he not become an analyst , he would have been an economist , which conjures up all sorts of hilarious possibilities .
30 As her subjects prepared for action , she encountered and noted the physical hardships that prevailed , notably the intense cold .
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