Example sentences of "[coord] should not be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The allegations were all based on the opinion of another expert surveyor and related to what matters should or should not be taken into consideration .
2 Again , on the face of the statute , I can not see any reason why in this case the constable should do more than tell the driver the reason under section 7(3) why breath specimens can not be taken or used ; tell him that in these circumstances he is required to give a specimen of blood or urine but that it is for the constable to decide which ; warn him that a failure to provide the specimen required may render him liable to prosecution ; and then , if the constable decides to require blood , ask the driver if there are any reasons why a specimen can not or should not be taken from him by a doctor .
3 Are there any reasons why a specimen of blood can not or should not be taken by a doctor ?
4 Finds that are fragile or should not be washed for any other reason ( such as metalwork ) are also sorted at this stage .
5 The House itself will take a decision on the matter later this evening when the Question will be put whether the Bill should or should not be considered in Committee of the whole House .
6 ‘ Ross or Rebecca is a transsexual , and should not be seen on Irish television screens , ’ said Mr McGahon , deputy for Louth .
7 Again , it is a starting point for negotiations and should not be seen as a definitive version .
8 Mr Morrison was adamant that the envoy idea was an act of friendship and should not be seen as a ‘ hostile act ’ .
9 Even testing family members for the gene mutation may have serious and unforeseen consequences and should not be done without careful consideration and the fully informed consent of those being tested .
10 Ireland may one day be a united nation , but it can not be done and should not be done from London .
11 For once , we are left in no doubt where the author 's sympathies lie , and why — ‘ Homology is a statement about pattern , and should not be conflated with a concept about processes and mechanisms ’ .
12 This group of teaching aids is by far the most important , and should not be regarded as second rate .
13 The additional attraction of moving to a central control , for some , is that it has often been argued , and increasingly so over the past 20 years , that debt charges do not measure ‘ cost of service ’ and should not be charged to detailed revenue accounts anyway .
14 It may be argued , however , that the lack of success experienced by the UK in the 1980s with its attempts to control the money supply growth rate was due to special factors and should not be employed against the search for ways of formulating an effective monetary policy at the national level .
15 Formula specially made for bottle-fed babies with a cow 's milk allergy is based on soya beans and should not be given without talking to your doctor or health visitor first .
16 Nevertheless , there are people who argue that local planning authorities ' decisions best reflect local circumstances and should not be overruled by the central Government or their appointed planning inspectors .
17 That puling creature has the gall to remind me that Stephen is a consecrated king and should not be treated as a felon .
18 Broadly speaking , one argument asserted that any improvement in the adverse conditions of life was inherently desirable and should not be withheld from a needy community .
19 The standard letter below should be used in all cases and should not be amended without reference to CFSU .
20 However , the statement will be read by the witness and the client , and should not be written in legalese .
21 Today sees the start of National Chip Week , during which the Frozen Food Information Service will endeavour to persuade the British public that the humble chip is , in fact , an important part of a healthy diet and should not be condemned by would-be nutritional experts .
22 These two linked workshops explore the techniques used in ‘ Skylark ’ to devise and perform original work for the theatre , and should not be missed by anyone committed to developing their work as performers .
23 The above figures are only estimates and should not be taken as firm indicators .
24 The above figures are only estimates and should not be taken as firm indicators .
25 Ginseng is another alternative , but it is expensive and should not be taken for more than a month , as doctors suspect it is harmful to those who have high blood pressure .
26 As with all professions , medical and pharmacological competence can not and should not be taken for granted , as evidenced by the frequency with which new drugs are introduced and then withdrawn from the market after proving to be harmful , even fatal in continued use .
27 Some drugs are known to cause foetal damage and should not be taken during pregnancy .
28 Some drugs are known to cause foetal damage and should not be taken during pregnancy .
29 At the local level , where departments are often housed in the same buildings , and where officers and councillors — as well as prominent local interest group officials , journalists , council ‘ clients ’ ( headmasters , businessmen , builders , and so on ) — live in the same locality , the informal dimension is especially important and should not be obscured by undue emphasis on formal hierarchies .
30 This is a very drastic diet , and should not be started without medical advice .
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