Example sentences of "[coord] when [pron] [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 If this bracing action is not achieved at the top of the backswing , it will be caused either by the right foot folding over on its side during the backswing , or the right knee moving out of alignment with the toes , before or when you arrive at the top of the swing .
2 Here perhaps we would like to reply : The description of what is got immediately , i.e. of the visual experience , by means of an interpretation — in an indirect description , ‘ I see the figure as a box ’ means : I have a particular visual experience which I have found that I always have when I interpret the figure as a box or when I look at a box .
3 But we can also see the illustration now as one thing , now as another ’ , Wittgenstein imagines someone like Locke — though he does not mention Locke — saying that ‘ I see the figure as a box ’ means ‘ I have a particular visual experience which I have found that I always have when I interpret the figure as a box or when I look at a box . ’
4 And when one looks at the individuals within the Royal Family , they are so magnificently unaccountably and unpardonably boring .
5 That 's for one hundred thousand , that 's for ten thousand , that 's for ten thousand , that 's right , and when we looked at the fifteen years , that 's the for fifteen years , that 's again for twenty five .
6 Our one day visit soon stretched to two , and when we left at the end of three superb days ' climbing there were still routes we wanted to do .
7 Several transports were sent to convey us to the camp , and they were certainly less basic than the RAF ones we were used to , and when we arrived at the aircraft hangar where the jollifications were being held , it was ablaze with coloured lights and swarming with people , and a seven piece band was being very loud on the platform .
8 Ahead of us I could hear the noise of the waterfall — there had been plenty of rain and when we arrived at the foss , the beck that eventually joins the Ure to travel down Wensleydale was hammering over the lip of the force .
9 Thus the storyteller and the compiler create in us , step by fearful step , a sense of foreboding , and when we learn at the start of chapter 4 that the Israelites are going into battle with the mighty Philistines , then our knees begin to tremble and we dread what the outcome might be .
10 Greater Manchester West is my first choice , not Greater Manchester East , and when I looked at the vote in the last contest , back in nineteen eighty eight , when the erm then Alliance , or the ex-Alliance vote was split between the social erm liberal democrats as they were then , and the S D P , and saw the votes I had to beat this time , six thousand nine hundred , I thought I can look good next to that .
11 Erm and when I looked at the figures , we had a greater percentage of institutions and pupils than the other sharer or partner in the process .
12 And when I looked at the clock , I was on time and .
13 I crossed the Thames at Tower Bridge and walked further south than I had ever been before , and when I arrived at the rival market I could n't believe my eyes .
14 He said : ‘ I got Peter for £1 million and when you look at the lack of quality around today I would not argue when people say I got a bargain .
15 And when you look at the price of hiring thirty seconds of advertisement time on television and organising a mass demonstration with some gratuitous violence which will get thirty seconds in a T V news broadcast , erm then I think the cost-efficiency graph shows that the erm violent demonstration is the better way , in those terms .
16 And when you arrive at the er estate agent there there is an envelope with all different sort of information in t in there .
17 But when they arrived at the meeting it was Oldfield who was wearing Branson 's horn-rimmed spectacles , riffling papers in his briefcase and doing his best to look brisk and businesslike , while Branson gesticulated in a parody of artistic eccentricity .
18 It was thought that Green took his large prepared copper plates out into the landscape and worked on them in front of the actual view , but when one looks at a print of a recognisable location the image is not reversed as would have been the case if a direct drawing onto the plate had been made from nature .
19 These results ( Bard et al 1987 ) appear to be very good , but when one looks at the ranking of the output utterances from which the recognition rates were computed , 30 out of the 79 best-matching utterances were not output first , although they ranked equal first in score .
20 As the somewhat recalcitrant and irascible member of the famous ‘ What 's My Line ’ panel broadcast on BBC television for years , Gilbert could be and was difficult , but when we met at the Coq d'Or Restaurant on Stratton Street , just off Piccadilly , he was the soul of charm .
21 But when we looked at the location , our feeling was that it was close to the City and there were professional couples living nearby .
22 But when we looked at the SVQ in more detail , we found that the underpinning skills and knowledge required would need some extra attention .
23 But when we look at the positive side , and that 's where we 've got a plan a cunning plan if you watch Black Adder at all !
24 HP figures Sun tried its damnedest to come up with a full-featured workstation under $5,000 but when it looked at the margins , dumbed down the box to create the Classic .
25 But when it looked at the boys , Edwardian England was invariably moved .
26 For example , the word ‘ of ’ has the weak form in the following sentence : ‘ I 'm fond of chips ’ but when it comes at the end of the sentence , as in the following example , it has the strong form : ‘ Chips are what I 'm fond of ’ Many of the words given below ( particularly the first nine ) never occur at the end of a sentence , e.g. ‘ the ’ , ‘ your ’ .
27 But when I looked at the date , my father could only have been about twelve year old you see , when these letters were written so it must have been my grandfather writing to Coventry and Birmingham for parts for the penny farthing bicycles which he worked on .
28 But when I arrived at The St Chad 's Deanery Day for Stockport and discovered there was a group of 20 people aged from ten up to 19 , I thought that things could n't be so bad after all .
29 Driving away , I noticed that the vast chimney was still not functioning , but when I called at a neighbouring house a woman showed me videos she had taken of smoke coming from the plant , settling in her garden .
30 This sounds logical , but when I look at the Sega or Nintendo where there 's no piracy , you still have to pay a fortune for one single game .
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