Example sentences of "[coord] so [adj] that it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 When she lifted her head , the sun made everything very black or so white that it hurt her eyes .
2 Why could a man 's voice in the night create an ache in a person so deep and so wide that it felt as if it could never be filled ?
3 He leaned his forehead against the stone , and was suddenly so weary and so content that it seemed to him there was nothing left to be desired in life , and nothing more he need strive for .
4 Inside , the room was bathed in a chic and sickly light , so sickly and so chic that it gave the impression of being a chartreuse light ( chartreuse is this year 's chic colour ; its sickliness needs no introduction from me ) although it was in fact pink .
5 ‘ The crying was so loud and so wonderful that it made the people astounded unless they had heard it before ’ ; she ‘ made wondrous faces and expressions ’ too .
6 Snodgrass embarked on a story about a very famous jewel called the Koh-i-noor , which he thought had once adorned a great King 's State Crown and explained how it had been so rare and so heavy that it had had to be kept locked away behind bars and guards , so that nobody could steal it .
7 The noise was so constant and so intense that it fabricated silence .
8 The pain which followed immediately was so sudden and so extreme that it went beyond feeling .
9 Without warning , it suddenly let out a blast of the 62 first line of Dixie on a five-tone airhorn , so loud and so unexpected that it made Alina take a startled step back .
10 The following weekend , the French referendum on Sept. 20 on ratification of the Maastricht Treaty produced a majority in favour , but so narrow that it failed to dispel growing doubts about the integration process .
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