Example sentences of "[coord] what [noun] [vb mod] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 No-one in authority has yet ventured to say how often a level should be attained before it is confirmed or what allowance should be made , if any , for the pupil who will unlearn .
2 It was the women who had to make hard decisions and choices as to what expenditure to cut or what bill could be postponed for yet another week .
3 It is well recognised that managing software is difficult because it is in essence a control problem , posing questions such as which particular versions of software items should be used at a particular stage of a project for a particular purpose , or what software should be issued to whom , and when .
4 Because every person 's needs are different , it 's often hard to know exactly which vehicle is suitable or what adaptations will be needed .
5 He said he was n't going to think about who might win , or what score would be required .
6 They would decide what ends the authority should not be entitled to pursue , or what considerations must be taken into account , rather than actually imposing a particular conclusion by way of substitution for that of the administrative authority .
7 To attend all directions appointments and hearings , unless excused , and to advise the court orally or in writing : ( i ) whether the child is of sufficient understanding for any purpose including refusal to submit to medical or psychiatric examination or other assessment ; ( ii ) what the child 's wishes are in relation to any matter relevant to the proceedings including his own attendance at court ; ( iii ) which is the appropriate forum for the proceedings ; ( iv ) what is the appropriate timing of the proceedings ; ( v ) what options are available to the court , the suitability of each and what order should be made .
8 When the boy is with his father or the girl is with her mother in the garden , as they constantly are , they learn about the birds they see , the birds that are harmful to the crops , how they can be dealt with , and what birds can be eaten .
9 What can realistically be accomplished by Community Economic Development strategies and what criteria can be used to determine and evaluate success ?
10 In practical terms , the school librarian or teacher may not have the authority to make a final decision on the purchase of a microcomputer but it is important that s/he has some knowledge of what microcomputers can do and what criteria should be used for selection , so that the decision made by the headteacher may be influenced by the person who will ultimately control and use the microcomputer .
11 The first consultative draft and Structure Plan Review is not yet at hand , ie there is no indication of the officials ' initial views as to what scale of additional development should be addressed and what strategies should be adopted to guide location and timing in the period to 2005 .
12 The librarian will have to anticipate questions on : the efficiency of the software ; the capacity of the software and the microcomputer e.g. how many records can be handled by the software and what limitations will be created by the memory size of the microcomputer .
13 To attribute authorship to the experts and knowledge engineers who developed the knowledge base is unsatisfactory because they can not predict how the system will be used and what responses will be made by the user ; they have no control over its use .
14 A study of the distribution of power in society as a whole could hardly use the survey method , for who would be questioned and what questions could be asked ?
15 Perhaps I should just say a word about that that operation since you 've raised it , because it is one type of job that we do , that is taking part in a rather large group , in this case sponsored by the Commonwealth Secretariat at the request of the government of Uganda after the fall of erm of Amin , to assess the rehabilitation needs of the country and to suggest what policies should be priority policies for their point of view and what contribution could be made by other countries through aid and erm other ways of technical assistance and fellowships for training and so forth , to help in this rehabilitation .
16 The need for improved facilities for Arts and Social Studies , as an aid to the recruitment and retention of academic staff and to assist in the improvement of research activity , has caused the University to launch a review or three sites ( namely the area around the St Cross Building , the central site surrounding the Bodleian Library , and the Taylorian/Ashmolean site ) to see what scope there is for the rationalisation of existing uses and what changes can be made to make better use of them , with a view to defining a comprehensive and coherent scheme for the development of each site which has most to commend it on academic grounds .
17 Strategic planning is the business of deciding what the main goals of the organization are and what policies should be adopted in pursuing them .
18 What action should be taken and what instructions would be left with the evening shift ?
19 The Five Nations Championship is understandably the envy of the rest of the rugby world and what spice will be added to the coming encounters — notably when England travel once more to Murrayfield on the opening day and return to Paris in February ; when Ireland , so nearly conquerors of champions Australia , run out once more at Lansdowne Road , and Wales begin their brave attempt to rise like some Phoenix from the ashes .
20 The contentious issues in the public sector are what is the appropriate discount rate to be used and what account should be taken of costs and benefits which can not be measured directly in money terms .
21 If some students are to use laboratory , workshop , craftroom or drama department facilities , we have to know that these spaces are available at the required times and with suitable staff , and what numbers can be accommodated in each .
22 It 's generally a simple matter to work out how the circuit pipework is run , and what re-routing will be needed to reach the new radiator position .
23 The package will be distributed through the MAP network to hospitals , schools , church and community groups with the aim of informing people how cholera is contracted , how it can be prevented , and what steps should be taken in the case of infection .
24 ( 2 ) If the target is involved in an industry or commercial sector which is specially regulated or controlled ( eg newspapers , water and sewerage undertakings , coal and steel , banking , insurance , financial services and broadcasting ) then it will be necessary to consider what restrictions apply to any proposed takeover and what notifications should be given and approvals sought .
25 It will be necessary to decide on the amount of resource to be invested in management development , and what mechanism should be used to allocate these resources .
26 HOG will define an object 's attributes — what parameters can be set and what information can be retrieved ; the ‘ methods ’ associated with that object — what can be done to it and what it can do ; and its notification — what the object emits ( such as warning to tell the system that a file is nearly full , for example ) and what it can be read to .
27 The edict of Chilperic I tackled a larger selection of issues , including inheritance , dowry and robbery , but above all it legislated on the whole process of bringing a slave to trial by ordeal ; when he was to be handed over to trial , and what delays might be allowed before the king 's legal officer , the graphio , and the local law-men , the rachinburgi , took action .
28 This should show the time intervals at which samples stored at different conditions will be tested and what tests will be applied at each examination .
29 Had the advent of atomic weapons invalidated them ; did they need re-definition ; and what priority should be accorded to each of them ?
30 whether the present legal powers in the 1983 Mental Health Act are being used as effectively as they can be , and what action could be taken in advance of any new legislation to ensure that they are .
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