Example sentences of "[coord] will [adv] [vb infin] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If , for some reason the nominated appointor can not or will not make an appointment , the court is likely to provide alternative machinery for determining the rent ( Sudbrook Trading Estate Ltd v Eggleton [ 1982 ] 3 All ER 1 ) .
2 A new company , Corporate Jets Ltd , was formed on 1 May to facilitate the sale to a partner , and will also acquire the Design Authority for BAe 's bizjets from the company 's Regional Aircraft Division .
3 Wedding Daze Bridal Shoppe stocks the full range of Romantica of Devon bridal gowns and bridesmaids ' attire , and will also offer a hand design service .
4 In order to assess its influence we will consider the work of Auguste Comte and Emile Durkheim , as leading exponents of the tradition , and will also examine the application of their theories to the questions of government and law by considering the work of Leon Duguit .
5 who is required to promulgate guidance for Crown Prosecutors and will also make the prosecution decision in difficult cases .
6 Our feelings so often determine how well or otherwise we shall choose to perform , and will also affect the quality of our work relationships .
7 A specialist addiction unit based upon the principles of the Anonymous Fellowships will have knowledge of the compulsive nature of eating disorders and will also have an awareness of how family members and other well-intentioned helpers may unwittingly enable the disease to continue .
8 Whoever gets the job will be responsible for foreign affairs and defence , will have the right to dissolve parliament and will also have the right to veto laws passed by parliament .
9 The National Confederation of Parent Teacher Associations offer a useful leaflet on setting up a new group and will also provide a draft constitution .
10 Using survey and field observation methods , it will look at the role played by professionals in the provision of social support to families who are socially disadvantaged and will also consider the relationship between different types of social support and the ability of families to cope with personal difficulties .
11 Do n't forget to provide drainage so water does not collect on the treads ; this will make them slippery and potentially dangerous , and will also encourage the growth of algae and moss on the surfaces .
12 A learner who lacks confidence and competence will take much longer to implement care , and will also put the patient at risk .
13 Labour leader John Smith told Mr Major : ‘ I am sure that the whole House will share the feeling of sadness which you have expressed and will also share the hope that a greater degree of privacy might result for the Prince and Princess of Wales and their children in what would be a difficult time for any family . ’
14 Such satisfaction will help to justify ultimate expenditure and will also reduce the severity and incidence of any complaints that might arise after purchasing .
15 On the credit side , the text is highly readable and will easily guide the non-specialist clinician through the complexities of fundamental immunology and provide a useful introduction to the immunology of human pregnancy .
16 You can buy oval frames made from plastic , but they are usually not very well finished and will not do a lot to improve your design , or wood , which in my opinion is always worth paying a little extra for .
17 forms and are particularly useful when you are applying for jobs ‘ on spec. ’ as you can get all the relevant information on one neat form which looks efficient and will not overwhelm the recipient .
18 Shareholders are entitled to appeal a decision of the Panel executive , but usually the full Panel will only receive written representations from the shareholder concerned and will not conduct a hearing .
19 If he or she does so , then they will take on their new role with enthusiasm , and will not shirk the training and self-discipline that is necessary to create a good personal injury lawyer .
20 ‘ It is utterly futile and will not change a thing . ’
21 ‘ The new firms start small and will not reach a peak for several years . ’
22 There are also suggestions that the sale of WWG 's US Whitlock car accessories group will take longer than expected and will not realise the price Boots had hoped .
23 ( c ) Right to use services Prima facie a reservation of a right to the free passage of water gas and electricity through the demised property will be constructed as a right to use the existing system and will not entitle the landlord to introduce any new wires or pipes ( Taylor v British Legal Life Assurance Co [ 1925 ] Ch 395 ) .
24 Usually I keep two buckets full of water but that 's no good in winter because they are plastic and will not stand the frost .
25 Lord Minchampstead installs new steam-engines on his farms , enforces the new Poor Law to the letter , and will not give a farthing away in alms .
26 I hope that the courts of this country will always be vigilant to prevent a misuse of the convention and will not make an order requiring evidence to be given … unless it is clearly established that , even if required for civil proceedings , it is not also sought for criminal [ proceedings ] .
27 Government plans to restructure the police force will do nothing for morale , and will not improve the service according to the Scottish Police Federation .
28 Many of them will not have been earning enough to pay national insurance , so will not qualify for unemployment benefit — and will not affect the unemployment statistics .
29 I have made mention elsewhere of the sense that warns us of impending danger , and will not labour the subject further beyond stating that this sense is a very real one and that I do not know , and therefore can not explain , what brings it into operation .
30 Drought-lovers are natural container plants and will not bear a grudge if you forget to water them .
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