Example sentences of "[coord] would have been [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Most of the workers concerned had or would have been deemed by the courts to have had contracts of employment .
2 The that condition should or would have been drawn to his attention , that is the major factor in this dispute which goes .
3 To have devised the material ‘ in house ’ using DES and HMI would have been and would have been seen to be unhealthily parochial ; to have used the National Curriculum Council would have involved too great a delay .
4 Being in London , he could exploit both the court and the merchant community as patrons , and would have been exposed to the new developments in surveying in the published works of Leonard and Thomas Digges [ qq.v. ] and others .
5 If the district registry had appreciated the urgency and the short period of the order without doubt they would have sought directions and the result would certainly have been that the appeal would have been set down at some other convenient centre or , as happened , in London at or before the beginning of this term and would have been heard within a few days , that is , the appeal would have been heard approximately a month ago .
6 Local opinion was outraged ; Price was brought to trial and would have been convicted by the jury if the judge had not insisted that his offence had been against morals and not against the law .
7 Intervention of such a scope and magnitude would have been resented by the mass of the … people , would have diametrically reversed our historic policy , and would have been condemned by the American people .
8 The first is that a clause will be implied if it is necessary for the " business efficacy " of the contract , and would have been accepted at once by both parties when making the contract : The Moorcock ( 1889 ) 14 PD 64 at 68 .
9 Aristotle derives it from " phallic songs " , which were a common constituent of Greek fertility ritual and would have been sung to or for a particular fertility god : this would usually , though not perhaps invariably , have been Dionysus . )
10 The tray this morning was about three feet in diameter , an average family size , and would have been carried across the court from the cook house on the head of one of the maids .
11 Roads , nevertheless , still played an important part and would have been used by all and sundry , even if they were originally built for military and political reasons .
12 The eight-kilometre Somport tunnel , which was to have received funds from the EC , would have cut driving times between France and Spain by two hours and would have been used by an estimated 1,000 trucks a day .
13 I spent a week on the rack , far away from home , constantly trying to achieve this extra margin which , I hardly need to point out , would have gone straight down to the bottom line and would have been shown as profit .
14 The corporation cited planning and zoning regulations for refusing these applications but it was generally assumed that the real reason was that the new houses would have been built in Unionist-controlled wards but would have been inhabited by Catholics .
15 These oriental concepts find parallels in the teaching of Swedenborg , ( see chapter ten ) , but would have been repudiated by Evangelicals , whose missionary zeal made any taint of paganism hateful to them .
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