Example sentences of "[coord] an [noun] [prep] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In principle these include : formal regulation by law , involving criminal and/or civil sanctions ; self-regulation by the relevant professional bodies ; or an amalgam of both formal law and self-regulation .
2 The organist 's life is probably easier , however , where there is either a choir school or an arrangement with just one school from which choristers are recruited .
3 The central communications office of HMS Omega was large and surprisingly light , with white-painted bulkheads and an excess of highly polished copper and brass .
4 After three years of more or less benevolent autocracy , Valery Gergiev is happy with the facts about his Kirov company : the fact that for the 1989–90 season , very much against the malingering influence of Leningrad 's cultural bureaucrats and an army of silently disapproving critics , he headed straight for uncut Mussorgsky ( original Boris , Shostakovich- orchestrated Khovanshchina , Sorochinsky Fair , The Marriage , Salammbô ) ; and the fact that the following year , with the situation in newly-renamed St Petersburg worsening day by day , he set about four Prokofiev operas within a matter of months .
5 The Good Gardens Guide 1992 ( Vermilion , £11.99 ) provides comprehensive information and an assessment of about 1,000 gardens .
6 In a rapidly changing profession the instinctive caution of the most senior practitioners , however much their experience is enormously valuable on other counts , can on occasion prove an obstacle to their firm 's growth and an irritant to more progressive junior colleagues .
7 He had a flowing white mane , and an expression of vaguely inscrutable self-possession , giving him somewhat the air of a Nordic Chinese Mandarin .
8 The publishing and printing house has since grown to become self-financing , with a staff of 214 employees and an output of over 850 titles a year .
9 Mr Esnaola claimed that 200 Basque clergymen publicly support Herri Batasuna 's call for greater independence from Madrid and an amnesty for nearly 500 ETA terrorists in jail or exile .
10 Waiting for him in the studio seven people are busy setting up the camera and lights and unwrapping white plaster pillars and an assortment of very beautiful chairs and tables .
11 By March 1930 , with a mere 26 league games plus one FA Cup appearance for Palace to his name , and an average of exactly one goal per match , Simpson had attracted the attentions of the big clubs .
12 Nearly 450 men are engaged here and an average of over 60 vehicles can be turned out every week .
13 For I was shrieking with laughter at some of the unintentional one-liners and an alien about as terrifying as E.T .
14 After his reforms a French 12-pounder gun could be drawn by only six horses and an 8-pounder by only four ( in each case about one-third of the number needed two centuries earlier ) while the interchangeable parts which he introduced made it possible to carry out repairs and replacements with hitherto unheard-of speed .
15 Germans now are Europeans in a way they were not before , and indeed the demand of East Germans that they be allowed to be Europeans , with the same wide-ranging and unquestioned rights to travel , study , and residence as the rest of us was both a catalyst and an indication of how much things have changed .
16 Germans now are Europeans in a way they were not before , and indeed the demand of East Germans that they be allowed to be Europeans , with the same wide-ranging and unquestioned rights to travel , study , and residence as the rest of us was both a catalyst and an indication of how much things have changed .
17 Monitoring the climate convention and the impact of climate change would require a mandate and an establishment at least equivalent to that of the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency , which polices the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty .
18 Russian Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev said at the Oct. 5 meeting that the CIS " would not be a mechanism for a civilised divorce but an instrument for ever stronger co-operation between the states " .
19 From 1970 to 1975 , the planting of new vineyards was particularly hectic and the figures for 1982–5 are but an indication of yet another intensive period of viticultivating new land within the delimited region .
20 What we need is not simply a new , flatter organization but an understanding of how managerial hierarchy functions — how it relates to the complexity of work and how we can use it to achieve a more effective deployment of talent and energy .
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