Example sentences of "[coord] we [vb mod] [vb infin] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Or we would wish a society like Iran with its shariah or Islamic law , which punishes thieves by cutting off their hands ?
2 Either we may see them as qualifying the properties inherent in the nouns , or we may take the view that lawfulness and distance serve to mark out certain generally recognized subcategories of heirs and cousins ( whereas one can scarcely argue for any generally accepted subcategories of strangers and kids marked out by totality and mereness ) , so that they can be treated as ordinary ascriptive adjectives .
3 Or we might compare the way Philip II kept Phokis intact in 346 rather than make a present of it to Thebes .
4 Let's hope they get him out fast , or we 'll need an anaesthetist . ’
5 Or we 'll have the roof off . ’
6 Or we shall miss the beginning of the display . ’
7 A speaker at the International Congress pointed out that there are two approaches to handicap — either we can adapt the environment ( e.g. by providing wheelchairs , ramps , etc ) or we can make the individual do the adapting .
8 There are two options open to us : we can either mount a much more restricted display in the Library than originally hoped ( restricting ourselves to the two display cases in the Barrel Vault leading to the foot of the main staircase ) , or we can examine the possibility of creating a panel-mounted display which would go on show both in the Library and in other venues .
9 But you can use the Jeannie slot as erm a revision thing , you come and have a chat with me about the course , or we can show the video .
10 Or we can follow the example of one teacher/poet who brings into school an old bowl , the rim of which he runs his finger round .
11 The span of possibilities here is enormous : we can follow Stravinsky in adapting Medieval forms ; we can write songs which are pure melody ; or we can use a form which ignores musical values , taking the guise of a word-drama .
12 To find the spatial expression of v we can substitute for in v , or we can use the relationship derived above ( Equation 2.10 ) ) : so that which is the velocity .
13 Or we can take the Ferry across the Bay
14 We can either accept that God is sovereign and recognise that this is part of his plan , or we can have a pity party and completely neutralise everything God wants to do through us .
15 Or we will destroy the building . ’
16 And we 've got quite a bit well either that or we could watch the programme and then wash up , clear up and go to bed .
17 Or we could take the work off Jeremy
18 ‘ It raises the question of internal control and we would expect a bank facing this difficulty to inform us right away , ’ said an official .
19 All organisations exist within some wider context and we would expect an organisation 's culture to reflect this .
20 And we would question the reading recovery amount .
21 we , we can then come back to the court , erm as , as other orders which we would seek and we would seek an order for costs , erm clearly
22 If we did that , we would do away with all these debates about local taxation , whether we should have the rating system or another system such as the poll tax or the council tax , and we would have a system which , at the end of the day , would give the local people the opportunity to determine priorities .
23 One might suppose that there were new laws that held at singularities , but it would be very difficult even to formulate such laws at such badly behaved points , and we would have no guide from observations as to what those laws might be .
24 We do not know which of the library 's facilities and services should be offered to these different categories of user , and we would like the Committee 's guidance in codifying procedures .
25 And we would like the architecture to be as simple as possible , the idea being that such a self-effacing architecture would help lay bare the problems of speech processing .
26 In their nervousness they offered at once the gifts they had brought : tea , fruit , duty-free whiskey — ‘ It 'll be useful to have in the house even if nobody drinks it and we might need a glass ’ — a printed silk headscarf , thick fur gloves .
27 Apart from indicating status , each church represents perhaps the most important local focal place for any settlement , and we might spend a lot of time studying it in our local research .
28 Write unc Then unc Premultiply by unc then since unc unc Thus unc is a new approximation to R , and we may repeat the cycle as required to obtain R , subject to convergence of the method .
29 If I quote three or four quid underneath , he 'll consider it and we may get an order in a few months time when the schedule runs out .
30 And we may antagonize a lot of people in doing so .
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