Example sentences of "[coord] we [verb] it [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If the horse is thumped by the farrier , or we belt it with a cane , the horse is likely to become so upset that the chances are we will never be able to shoe the horse !
2 Either one of two things : either the period of primitive accumulation is taken just as ‘ pre-history ’ ; in which case it has a strict time-limit … or we see it as a process of ousting ‘ third persons ’ in general — in which case the concept itself has to be abolished , since in that case it does not express anything special , specific , etc .
3 The ‘ theatre ’ ran parallel to the ward and we reached it through a short , glass-enclosed passageway .
4 After all , these services are free and we take it as a compliment if you ask .
5 The other car , the other De Dion we had , burst its radiator , but we are very resourceful ; we went and bought thirty foot of garden hose and connected it to the engine and sent the water round and round the car and that acted as a radiator , and we drove it for a week like that .
6 Then I got my seventy odd and she got another week 's money and we just put it all together and we split it down the middle said right there 's your half , there 's mine
7 Wanda stole a half-bottle of Latvian double kümmel from her father 's extensive cellar and we took it to a little bridge on the outskirts of the village where we sat and talked , being careful to hide the bottle when anyone passed by but sipping away until we had finished the lot .
8 I told Stanley Kubrick ( his director in The Shining ) about it and we wrote it into the scene .
9 And erm we collected a whole lot of colour glass and we stuck it on the window and it 's a stain glass window y know ?
10 I mean would it be the same if we had ten and we raised it to the three quarters .
11 And we have it on the authority of those sitting near her that she did not drink it that evening . ’
12 ‘ The dining suite is Regency and we bought it at an auction in Bournemouth , ’ says Pauline .
13 That 's where we 've been for the last twenty years so erm this company er that was already doing it and we bought it into the er into the fold .
14 When we 're using the fax facility and we get a series of policy numbers and a problem coming through to us erm that 's not so bad cos that 's being amalgamated by the branch secretaries , when it 's going back , and we do it on the same one single fax going back , they 're sitting there snipping up individual replies , you know putting individual replies into consultants ' baskets unless they photocopy the whole sheet in which case they 've got a confidentiality problem .
15 We look for a quiet , dark place , and we do it in the car . ’
16 Then after the the well there 's er the library as they called it was lined with books leather bound books great big kidney shaped oak table and beautiful chairs there and we used it as the office you know for the principal keeper did his returns and all the rest of it there .
17 There was a small gap in the fence that was unaffected by the pile-up and we approached it at a forty-five degree angle .
18 There was no bed and we did it on the floor , which I found excruciatingly uncomfortable .
19 Just had one jumped over the side from us once and swamp ashore again and we caught it on the on the land again and put it away .
20 He or she is doing a certain thing and we interpret it in a certain way which elicits a given emotion .
21 Whether you choose a chateau hotel or stay in stately homes where families take in guests , splendour is the word and we found it at the majestic Chateau de Noirieux in Briollay , Anjou .
22 and we gave it to the erm school at over Downing Drive
23 ‘ It took the better part of an hour to get to brass tacks , but we managed it in the end , sir . ’
24 But we had it at the N E C for a week and it must have produced hundreds of cages on a routine daily basis .
25 But we change it at a company level .
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