Example sentences of "[coord] we [verb] it on the " in BNC.

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1 And erm we collected a whole lot of colour glass and we stuck it on the window and it 's a stain glass window y know ?
2 And we have it on the authority of those sitting near her that she did not drink it that evening . ’
3 When we 're using the fax facility and we get a series of policy numbers and a problem coming through to us erm that 's not so bad cos that 's being amalgamated by the branch secretaries , when it 's going back , and we do it on the same one single fax going back , they 're sitting there snipping up individual replies , you know putting individual replies into consultants ' baskets unless they photocopy the whole sheet in which case they 've got a confidentiality problem .
4 There was no bed and we did it on the floor , which I found excruciatingly uncomfortable .
5 Just had one jumped over the side from us once and swamp ashore again and we caught it on the on the land again and put it away .
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