Example sentences of "[coord] she [vb past] [adv] at the " in BNC.

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1 Bessie was busy rolling out pastry for the meat pies and she looked up at the young nurse .
2 The desperate woman 's eyes sparkled and she looked up at the crafty totter with new interest .
3 The fortune-teller lay on her back behind the low wall and she was dying , or perhaps she was dead , for her eyes were open and she looked up at the stars .
4 Her hands , like claws , clutched her cup and she looked sorrowfully at the lukewarm tea .
5 Everything she had thought had been a lie and she looked carefully at the things she now possessed with new eyes .
6 Roman drove steadily over the causeway and she looked apprehensively at the expanse of sea on either side .
7 The muffled jangle of the bell disturbed her reverie , and she glanced up at the clock — it lacked a few minutes to three — her visitor was punctual as usual .
8 She was tired out now , her eyes ached from lack of sleep and jet-lag , and she glanced longingly at the king-sized bed with its lace-trimmed peach silk sheets .
9 He gave her the rake and she went vigorously at the hay while he plaited a grass rope to put round a burden and heft it down to the byre .
10 The alarm clock woke Claudia for the second time and she sniffed appreciatively at the aroma penetrating her room .
11 Tears pricked her eyes and she stared hard at the floor .
12 His gaze dropped to her breasts and she shrivelled inside at the contempt in his tone .
13 She caused a great army to be collected , and she set off at the head of the army to punish Oleg Ban .
14 Robbie was ready for a rest and some food , and she groaned inwardly at the thought that Fen would undoubtedly expect her to prepare a meal before she could eat and sink into her bunk .
15 He insisted on walking her home but she ran off at the corner .
16 Her voice was judicial , but she quailed inwardly at the flare of anger that lit the blue eyes .
17 But she pushed rather at the pinkish translucent cubelets which surrounded the fish , then turned to me and asked ,
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