Example sentences of "[coord] she [verb] he [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Her head came up and she looked him in the eye .
2 It was Jack and she brought him into the kitchen .
3 You see , he 's got thousands of titles and things , and she likes him into the bargain ; also she wants me to be presented at court next year — as his wife .
4 The nurse and the doctor left the room together for a moment and she grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him desperately , with an air-lock in her throat as though she were in a temper .
5 So of course the guy has to behave shocked , and she chases him around the bar .
6 Managing the boat , he was in total command , and she admired him for the ease with which he wove between the countless busy craft , the pleasure boats , gondolas and the small and large ferries , his eyes constantly alert .
7 Well and she put him through the hoop , nurses him .
8 In. , Finally , the boy tried to squirm past her like a silverfish but she had him by the hair and was breaking the rifle over his head and shoulders when my father stopped her .
9 but she saw him on the way to work in town , had a bloody great barney with him on the market place on the way to work , just say , she was in there about ten minutes and burst into tears
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