Example sentences of "[coord] his [noun] was [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 The Minister for State Reform , Johnny Meoño , resigned in April 1991 and his portfolio was transferred to the Presidency Minister , Rodolfo Méndez Mata .
2 He was a short man , barrel-built , and his physique was suited to the paratroop unit he had been a part of before his transfer from the active service troops of the Red Army , to the mind-twisting boredom of Ministry of the Interior camp supervision .
3 He had insisted , so the story went , that he knew — and his knowledge was said to be based on information handed down from Choco ancestors long dead but unforgotten — what no one else in Panama knew ( or apparently wanted to ) , and no one in the world of historical scholarship knew either .
4 It was a nightmare : early on , his budget dropped from dollars l6m to £300,000 , and his crew was reduced to two .
5 It was a nightmare : early on , his budget dropped from dollars l6m to £300,000 , and his crew was reduced to two .
6 Mike was there every day , being nice to me and telling me not to worry about anything , he 'd found this flat and his mother was seeing to furnishing it and they were making arrangements for the wedding .
7 Although this still compared well with other Western states , in May 1971 the Finance Minister , Alex Möller , resigned and his post was given to Schiller , who also remained as Economics Minister .
8 White died in 1813 and his collection was transferred to the Manchester Natural History Museum ; Miss Beswick went too .
9 He was admitted to hospital and his condition was said to be ‘ critical ’ .
10 He communed in a solitude , and much of his face was hidden by the quilted balaclava , and his mind was blocked to those who passed him .
11 An inquest was held on the following day and his death was ascribed to natural causes .
12 Did n't know why Summerchild should have gone to the Admiralty on the morning of June 24th , but his work was related to conditions of employment in the Civil Service and involved liaison with other departments , so nothing particularly surprising about it …
13 But his resistance was doomed to failure as the courtiers ' position was confirmed by several royal decrees .
14 Horler was not in local authority care , but his family was known to Norfolk SSD .
15 No shrewder opportunist had sat on the English throne , but his opportunism was harnessed to some guiding principles .
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