Example sentences of "[coord] they [adv] do [not/n't] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 But for many , the idea of selling those treasured pieces at a major sale has never crossed their mind ; either that , or they just do n't know how to do so .
2 But none of the larger firms has done so yet , so the obvious conclusion to be drawn is that either they prefer to live dangerously or they still do n't believe that anyone would actually go after them for their personal assets .
3 Men have got this thing , that they think it 's their game and they just do n't want women involved !
4 and you do get them , but I understand a lot of them , a majority of them now , er , the university students , or what have you , they do n't want to do the overtime , because they 've got to study right , they come in , they do the job , and they just do n't want any stress .
5 You see the only way that you can really discipline them is when you have a school where the rules have been very , very strict from the moment that they went into that school and they have had their noses held to the grindstone with work up to their brows and they just do n't think of being tiresome and anybody who is tiresome is pulled out and put in a special room on their own , called a sin bin an which is rather boring and made to work even harder !
6 It happens a lot that you ring the bell and they just do n't come .
7 As we have already seen , physics students made very strong ( hierarchical ) distinctions between physics and chemistry , and between physics and other disciplines — and even between subdivisions in the department itself ; one final-year student noted in B that ‘ on the top floor , one half is theoretical physics , one is experimental physics and they just do n't seem to mix ’ .
8 I keep telling them I was separated from Hugh , and they just do n't seem capable of taking it in .
9 These guys seem to think all speed limits are there to be broken and they just do n't believe they will ever be caught . ’
10 Once they 've completed their trip all they want to do is head off back home and they simply do n't devote the time , energy and money on clearing up .
11 Severely ill people can experience exhaustion and they simply do not have the energy to carry out the necessary preventive activities ; they are dependent on nurses and others for maintaining a safe environment .
12 Well then if , if someone was breaking in and they probably do n't go through doors , burglars , I 've never really studied it but
13 ‘ We 're looking for things people remember for certain , ’ Miller says , ‘ and they often do n't recall why they did them . ’
14 ‘ Mrs Charlie 's at their front door and they still do n't get out of her reach . ’
15 And finally , the expert again we spoke about that , a good example really is in the computer world where you have individuals who get on really well with computers and programming but put them in a group and they really do n't provide any in fact if anything they take away from the group .
16 The ones you can get for lunch — there are plenty — will likely forget every word you tell them , and they certainly do n't feel obliged to help . ’
17 The British murmur ‘ You must come and stay with us some time , ’ and when they part they say ‘ Let's keep in touch ’ and they certainly do n't mean it , but it greases the wheels of intercourse .
18 You need to find your own level with the person , and they certainly do n't need your comment on every single thing that they do .
19 They do n't really care enough about industry , and they certainly do n't understand that our timescales are quite different from theirs .
20 And they certainly do n't have a low opinion of him either ! ’
21 languages are differently equipped to express different real-world relations , and they certainly do not express all aspects of meaning with equal ease .
22 Most countries organize censuses of their population on something like ten-yearly intervals , but not all do , and they certainly do not do them at the same point in time .
23 They do not panic when they do not understand every word , and they certainly do not think there is a fault in their own language knowledge .
24 Our four English mystics may lack the imaginative and mythical depths of the great Kabbalists and Sufis , they may not be as daring and extreme as Eckhart and they certainly do not have the lyrical passion of the sixteenth century Spanish mystics St Teresa of Avila ( 1515–82 ) and St John of the Cross ( 1542–91 ) , but they bear witness to the profundity and intelligence of the new English spirituality of their day .
25 As I mentioned before , vitamins are chemically very unstable and they certainly do not take well to this sort of treatment .
26 at the end and they perhaps do n't bother quite so much and
27 They do n't look real , anyway ; they are all thin , spotless , and they obviously do n't do anything practical ( like walk around , for instance ) .
28 And they obviously do n't think caused by pressure .
29 But is n't it the ignorance of the people because the people are ignorant and they actually do n't know what they 're voting for
30 It seems that Ipuky 's daughter was rebellious ; but they either do n't know what she got up to , or wo n't say .
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