Example sentences of "[coord] they [vb base] [verb] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The bothy was in Pat 's family , and they 've made it into a lovely home .
2 And they 've clouted it from the outside going in .
3 And they 've converted it to two flats .
4 And we know they 've learnt something , they 've understood it and they 've got it for life .
5 And they do it , and they 've got it in stock , you know so
6 and they 've taken it in turns in that now
7 ‘ Cypress Hill are smoking funk , and they 've rolled it into a fat album featuring ‘ How I Could Just Kill A Man ’ and ‘ Hand On The Pump ’ .
8 The château was empty , almost derelict , and they have turned it into a small hotel and restaurant .
9 With characteristic business acumen , the Swiss spas saw the renaissance of the classical water therapy on the way , beckoning all sections of society , and they have turned it to good account .
10 And they have to fit it into their diary .
11 ‘ They just want to do the job they are paid and trained to do and they want to do it in suitable clothing , ie in uniform . ’
12 ‘ Many British and American tourists feel that they have connections with some part of Scottish history and they want to experience it for themselves . ’
13 I 'd actually go a bit further and say yes we 'd like to do this , can we also look after road maintenance as well , because the road maintenance is sent out to contractors , contractors are so busy , they ca n't actually do half this work , they 've got a list as long as your arm , so pit pitfalls in in the pavements as well as as some of the motorways are n't being done because the contract 's been placed , but they 've placed it with the wrong people .
14 They have got enough money but they like to keep it for as long as possible .
15 But they have to take it as a fact , and it is a fact which prevents them from envisaging our liquidation . "
16 Kangaroos have the same need to move rapidly , but they have done it in a different way .
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